University of Miami Deferred 2025

Forum for University of Miami deferred applicants

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Hey all! I started this forum for UMiami deferred applicants to ask questions and share ideas/stats. Enjoy and good luck to all :slight_smile:

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Does being deferred reduce the chance of getting Merit ?

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My admissions counsellor said that you’re still eligible for merit and scholarships even as a deferred applicant. From my understand, being deferred doesn’t reduce your chances for merit, but I would double check.


Did anyone here write a continued letter of interest?


I did and got a super short response, “Thanks for your continued interest in the U!”. Probably not worth the email.

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okay lol

Same exact response… I even asked a specific question mixed into a paragraph and all I got was “Thanks for your continued interest in the U!” so I’m assuming they didn’t really read my email :pensive: I’m so upset, it has always been my top choice school. In their defense they probably get hundreds of emails a day and this is the busiest time for them.

Ugh I know how you feel! Miami is my top choice and I was going to ED2, but because of financial aid I decided not to. Fingers crossed for both of us!

I did and this was the response I got:

Thank you for reaching out and expressing your continued strong interest in UM. I appreciate these updates you’ve provided and will make sure they are added to your application file. We look forward to re-reviewing your application in the coming weeks.

i got the same thing

I got the same message as well :slight_smile:

Thank you for reaching out and taking the time let us know of your continued interest in UM! You have articulated well not only what you’ve managed to accomplish this past semester, which you should be extremely proud of, but also the specific reasons you desire to take part in a UM educational experience.

In the meantime, please know that I’ve added this to your file and I’m here if you have any additional questions about the process.

That’s the response I got.


what are everyone’s stats?

33 ACT, 3.86 GPAW, good rec letters, internship at neurodegenerative disease lab, internship at marine mammal research center w connections to UMiami. Hispanic.


Wow! Those are great stats. Good luck!! :slight_smile:

D 34 ACT 4.37 WGPA 200 hospital volunteer hrs. 12 APs. 4s and 5s We shall see.

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did everyone get an email when they emailed their counsellor for continued interest?

Yes, I got a reply that they send to all of their LOCI.

Any idea when deferred EA decisions will be released?