UMiami ED2 Class of 2025

So it is harder/easier to get in depending on the major?

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I have heard business is quite competitive to get into at UM

Yes. It’s like that at most private institutions, especially private schools where specific majors are very competitive (For example Virginia Tech a whole lot easier to get into the business school than the engineering school)

Also if part of your application isnt too strong ie GPA, I think you still have a shot if the rest of ur app is strong… ie: ECs and essays and applying ED

omg its almost 3


I do know similar to Tulane you had to do the supplemental essay and if you don’t you’re chances aren’t as great.

Not to be pessimistic but they did release EA the last possible week that they said so I’m trying to not get my hopes up

Not exactly - I’m pretty sure the EA timeline was late Jan - early Feb - so it came out as expected


Do they always release on fridays?


Yes. From what I have read, seen, and heard it is typically Friday sometime early afternoon.


What time was ED1 and EA released?

I know ED1 was like a little after 2 pm EST

EA was around 2:20 cst and ED was 2:40 cst I believe

ED was 4 on the dot


sorry I mean EA was 4 on the dot

sorry! EA last year was 2:20!

I would say dont give up until 5pm

5pm est?

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