UMiami ED2 Class of 2025

no they’re lying


Cant wait to wait until next week just to get deferred lol


best feeling :heart_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :crazy_face:

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im gonna stop checking now lol

We all got this. Miami here we come.


Damn my fault… bad joke

What are everyone’s stats here?

ok but whyyyyy would they release on the same day as UF thats dumb

I honestly don’t think they focus too much on that

But seriously how does it take them sooo long to release decisions. There’s not even that many people ED2 and there are so many admissions officers

you dont know that, this year is completely different from the rest

I’m sorry but I hate hearing that. All that is brought so far is bad news.

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Why do I lowkey have a strong feeling about 5? Anyone else?

anyone know what time ED2 came out last year/previous years?

You’re right

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They never do 5 I don’t think


I agree! I really want to know like February 15th. This is my top choice and I did not get to visit many other schools. Hopefully they make a decision soon.


Came out last year at 2:45 on the 14th.:neutral_face:

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It’s probably next week sadly. Won’t give up until 5 though. We got this!!


Good luck to everyone! When decisions start arriving, there’s a poll for EA2.

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