UMiami ED2 Class of 2025

So what are the chances that we hear tomorrow?

I say zero to none. Let me know if I’m wrong though. Does anyone know what the deadline to submit your deferred agreement form has been in the past years? Was it the same day that decisions came out?

Does anyone know if the people who were deferred from EA always get the option to switch to ED2 or is that just this year?

I agree about the zero to none. I would say pretty confidently that we will not be hearing back tomorrow. Would love if we could find info on that

I think the decision will come soon. The past 2 years from what I can see on the forums, the decision comes out Friday the 15th or whatever day is right before the 15th that is a Friday

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What do we think about the chance that they release two waves for ED2? (One for those who committed prior to Jan 1 and those who committed to ED2 after the Jan 1 deadline)

I think there is a chance, depending if you committed to ED2 before Jan 1.

I read through last years post and people got deferred from early action, but I don’t see any references to them being able to switch to ED2. I think it may just be this year.

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I spoke to my AO and I was told that decisions will be out closer to late-February. So it’s either next week or the week after. I say the 26th

AO isn’t always accurate - last year’s thread shows someone called and asked and the AO said not for another week or so - and then the decisions came out an hour later.

I know they sometimes like to throw people off. But if it’s not this week…next week and the week after is late February so I doubt they are wrong about that.

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I agree - also find it odd they’re having admitted students open house even though they haven’t released the second round of early decision admissions.

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Well it seems as though the open house/orientation is for early admission plans. So students who were admitted from ED1 and EA. I’m assuming there will be another open house/orientation for people who were admitted from ED2 and RD.

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There is one in April for ED II and RD admitted students and it’s the same thing

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Hopefully we hear by this Friday… not tryna wait till the 26…

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same here i waited long enough for ea lol

Does anyone know how many ED2 applicants they have this year or have had in the past?

Not just ed2, but I do know they had roughly 1,500 early decision applicants last year


Today is the first day of “Mid-february” lol. Hope it comes soon. would be awesome if its this friday

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hope so