UMiami ED2 Class of 2025

whenever we do hear, I hope we all get the news (decision) that we want. Wishing everyone the best!


On my portal a 2nd early decision agreement was automatically filled out (like February 10th) I signed one on the common app in january) and this recently showed up. Did this happen on anyone else’s portal? Or do you know what that means?

hmm… not sure! mine doesn’t have that but I believe it’s because I submitted mine directly onto the portal, not through common app.

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Y’all think we’ll hear this Friday?

Same thing happened on my portal. But it showed up the day after my GC submitted my ed agreement. I just assumed she submitted it twice accidentally.

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Honestly… it could go either way. I am optimistic that we could very well hear this Friday. However, seeing as though they waited until the last Friday in January to release EA decisions, we might be waiting until a week from this Friday… Hopefully we hear this Friday though!

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Another thing to keep in mind - ED 1 was said to be released “late December” but was out December 11th at around 2:20pm. Good luck everyone :slight_smile:


I kind of think we’ll hear this Friday. UF releases next friday and aren’t UM and UF rival schools? i know it probably means nothing just seems unlikely to me that they’d release on the same day

If you look at the policy the college sent out to AO for this year, it said mid December release for ED1. For ED2 it states late Feb, so I think it will be the 26th. :confused:

Could’ve sworn the one for applicants said mid-late February

It still says mid-late February on the website.

I think that is their standard timeframe. I posted the policy on this thread 9 days ago. Thus far, it seems accurate.

Just contacted the Office of Admissions. They are still not stating any specific date lol just saying “Mid-late February”. I don’t know what to think rn. Still hopeful.

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February 19th seems like a mid-late February date to me!

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UM and UF won’t release on the same day. I think it will be the 19th.

That’s what I’m thinking too!! Ahhhh so nervous

Why wouldn’t they release on the same day? Is UF definitely next Friday?

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yes UF is 100% next friday, it is always the last friday in february. i was just thinking it wouldn’t be the same day bc they are rival schools

I don’t to be honest, I hope it’s tomorrow but the deadline for deferred students (like me) was last friday the 12th so unless they can make all final decisions in less than a week then I doubt it will be tomorrow (even though I hope it is so I can get it out of the way)

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I know a lot of people got deferred, but I don’t think enough people switched over to ED for them to be unable to have it out by tomorrow.