UMiami ED2 Class of 2025

I saw that too. I’m convinced I will be hearing Feb 12. I think ED2 will likely release in two waves. (People who committed by Jan 1 and those who switched after being deferred from EA). its ALL ABOUT THE U!

It doesn’t seem logical to me. How would our deadline be February 12th and also receive decisions that day. I don’t think they had the opportunity to review all applicants and just deferred those who met certain criteria. I’m guessing the 19th or the 26th. I’m sure there will be another info session in April.

Potentially 2 waves can be released for ED2. Makes sense to me :slight_smile:

When do you think it will be released for those who chose ED2 after being deferred? Like what time? Would you assume that those who do not submit the necessary materials by decisions would automatically be rejected?

I think people who chose ED2 after being deferred from EA will be waiting until the end of February. If you don’t submit your stuff on time, I assume you will just hear back regular decision, per your application deferral to regular decision.

Can someone post here when Miami releases ED2 decisions please?

Feb 15th on their website and CDS.

Where on their website does it say Feb 15? I’ve only seen mid-late February.

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Same here

I thought they normally release on friday’s?

they do! I hope this Friday we will hear!

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Most likely feb 26

In guidelines to admission counselors it says late February.


ughhh I think ur right. But hey, you never know :confused:

If you look at the past years since they have had ED2, Miami has notified applicants on February 15th, regardless of whether or not it is a Friday - you can look at this if you google University of Miami Common Data Set and then look for the decision dates.

Of course!

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This isn’t necessarily true. If you look on the ED2 thread from last year, applicants were notified on Friday, Feb 14. I think on that set is says the 15th meaning they hope get it out BY the 15th

I don’t think the 15th is the release for every year.

If I had to guess it will be a Friday, just a matter of which Friday at this point.

Is anyones elses MyUM portal not working? I tried to log in and it says unauthorized. Makes me think maybe its down right now for decisions coming out tomorrow?

I am still able to log in to mine