UMiami Frost School Audition

<p>Hey there,</p>

<p>I'm auditioning for the University of Miami Frost School of Music program: Contemporary guitar. I'm looking at the audition requirements below.</p>

<p>• Applicant must show a very strong aptitude in at least one stylistic area of contemporary performance, for example, pop/studio, rock, funk, country, etc.
• Major & Minor open position and barre chords with roots on the 6th & 5th strings
• Major Scales, Major & Min Pentatonic scales
• 12 bar blues, classic rock song, pop ballad, and one traditional or ethnic style
• Chart reading in various styles
• Applicant must demonstrate reasonable technical facility on both electric and acoustic guitar
• Applicant must show some proficiency in rock, pop, funk, and acoustic guitar styles
• Applicant must show openness to embrace other styles with which he/she may be unfamiliar</p>

<p>It's not clear to me whether I am to prepare audition pieces to meet each requirement, or if the instructors will be testing me with examples they make up. For example: "12 bar blues, classic rock song, pop ballad, and one traditional or ethnic style." Am I supposed to prepare 4 pieces before my audition; a blues, rock song, pop ballad, and an ethnic piece to perform? Or will the instructors ask me to improvise over a blues progression, play a basic rock riff, etc...</p>

<p>Just not sure whether I'm supposed to be finding and performing musical examples for each requirement.</p>

<p>Anyone gone through this process and knows what to do?</p>
