UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023

My daughter applied 10/29/2021 OOS was accepted EA. A total of 5 students from her school (all girls) were accepted.

Please share your chances?
Applied to College of Engineering. Interested in Chemical or Material Science.

  • Female/Asian Indian
  • Large Bay Area California Public High school
  • UW/UC Capped/Weighted GPA : 3.95/4.32/4.5
  • School does not rank- However, Top 9% of High School Class according to the UC Application(ELC)

ACT/SAT/SAT II: Super Score 36
Composite=35 Math=36 Science=35, English=35, Reading=33
Composite=35 Math=35 Science=34, English=36, Reading=36

Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment/College Level:
Accelerated Algebra 2/Trigonometry and PreCalculus
Chemistry in the Earth Systems Honors
AP Euro - 4
AP Calc BC - 5
AP Chemistry - 5
AP Comp Sci Principle - 4
AP Spanish - 4
AP Statistics (12th Grade)
AP Physics 1 (12th Grade)
AP English Lit (12th Grade)

Carnegie Mellon Univ Pre-College Summer
Introduction of Chemical Engineering - A
Statistics - A
Foothill College
MATH 1C - Multivariable Calculus (12th Grade)

  • Qualified for US National Chemistry Olympiad;Scored in top-16 in Northern California
  • 4th in Team Round Washington University Chemistry Tournament; Fifty teams of six members compete in this day-long national chemistry competition
  • American Chemical Society National Conference - Developed/Allowed to present a synthesis route for compound at the lab with teammates
  • Piano Certificate of Merit - top 2% students perform at the Certificate of Merit Convention.
  • AP Scholar with Distinction
  • Assist chemistry teacher as a chemical technician; set up labs for AP Chemistry and Chemistry Honors students; - graded course for 12th grade
  • ATDP (Academic Talent Development Program) - Introduction to Engineering course
  • Reached level 9 out of 10 in Music Teacher’s Assocation of California a standardized evaluation program for piano
  • Member of the girls’ high school wrestling team; Pre-COVID in 9th Grade(2019); Stopped after COVID
  • Carnegie Mellon University Music Orchestra - Invited to play bass guitar in the Carnegie Mellon University Pre-college Jazz Orchestra
  • Bass in the High School Musical Orchestra
  • Math Club Executive Officer
  • Emory University Research Internship(ongoing) - performing data analysis in R for a paper
  • Performed bass guitar at a Beatles concert at a church to raise money for the Ukraine crisis;
  • Coached gifted elementary school students on advanced math concepts for the Math Olympiad
  • ASDRP (Aspiring Scholars Directed Research Program) - Published peer-reviewed paper;Research at chemical synthesis lab
  • 6K YouTube subscribers;3K Spotify streams; Original Music curation

Decent Essay: Not a great story teller; Would rate 7/10


Question for past EA admits, in-state and OOS:

Now that the past few years have been late January notifications, we know that admissions has more of a chance to factor in first semester grades.

To this end, I am wondering from my unscientific small sample size whether students from high schools that have finals after break with final grades not posted until mid-January are at a disadvantage for EA acceptance compared to high school on an earlier system where first semester or first quarter grades are available for consideration.

Anecdote: From my eldest daughter’s OOS school with January grades, she and the highest achievers all got postponed before being accepted in 2022.

Would others with EA acceptances from 2021 or 2022 be able to comment on whether their schools were on the mid December vs mid January grade-availability cycle.

(This question would not apply for Dec 2019 or earlier pre-Covid times when acceptances were in December.)

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Everything looks great and Michigan likes kids that are active but yet have a concentration in a few areas. But Michigan attracts lots of top student’s. Good Luck.

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Are there anyone got an invitation to attend Fiesta Bowl? A football event called Maize & Blue kickoff on Dec 30th? We are Umich out of state applicants and this event is in Phoenix, AZ(we are not residents of AZ) and cannot attend it. But wondering if this means anything.

Got it!


my 2023 son got this email as well, also not in AZ …however, we WILL be attending the game (and this event) since my older son attends U-M and we are within driving distance! Not sure if it was sent to all of the prospective applicants - or just those within the closer proximity to AZ?

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My DD was accepted EA last year 2022. Her semester ended in Dec. Not sure when counselor sent grades to Umich.

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My sense is that even for those students whose semesters end early, first semester grades are not likely to be factored into EA decisions.

My HS class of 2021 student was accepted EA, our first semester doesn’t end until late January.

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Our high school just finished finals and semester grades will be posted first week of January.

I believe last year Michigan actually had several batches of decisions released over a period of time starting in January. I think it was for OOS.

My kids are applying this year EA so I can’t confirm other than friends that graduated from our school who were accepted last year. Some did get in EA and a few others who were applying to Ross (denied) and then move into L & S may have come later.

EA decisions are all released at once, with a few exceptions for the smaller schools, such as SMTD, Architecture, Nursing, etc.

RD has “batches” of releases, typically in February, March and April.


Unless those came with free tickets it looks like the Michigan marketing department is doing a great job. Lol… It’s actually pretty smart of them to host an event there knowing some families might go…

Go Blue!

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If Michigan wants the midterm grades they will let you know. Some people will have grades requested then get accepted without them. My son’s school sends all grades to every school whether they request them or not. The schools will parse what they want. The thing that gets frustrating is it can get exactly the same GPA /score etc and one kid they want more information and one gets accepted. But everyone will know by Mid April so… There is a long way to go for most people here.


2 posts were split to a new thread: Chance Me UMichwh

UM SMTD mom here. Daughter will audition on 1/27. Has anyone already been accepted? IS/OOS? Any info appreciated! :sweat_smile:


We are in the same boat (CA public IB program, but zero recruitment form UM and zero involvement form our HS counselors). My D reached out and was rebuffed by the AO. So not we’re regretting it.

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Every school and region is different. In our area it’s not uncommon to reach out to the AO with something logical and you can’t find on the website and our hs counselors were very hands on. Known schools did reach out to suggest some students and we had some schools frequent on campus in some form or another. Most replies from AOs were actually positive and not templated but was done “early” in the process. To reach out now when their crazy busy would most likely lead to templated answers since they get tons of emails about now.

Good luck.

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she reached out very early. But our schools are not known at all to UM, though they recruit at the richer schools not far away of course. The bias really sucks.


My daughter went to a very small rural high school in an underrepresented part of a well-represented state.

This is a high school that has no AOs visit aside from a couple of in-state schools. The guidance counselor has no relationships with AOs. The last student to go to Michigan graduated 30 years ago.

My daughter never had any contact with her AO until she had a significant update in December, just before EA decisions were announced. Her decision was postponed, but we sensed from the AO’s response to her update that there was a lot of hope…and she was accepted in January.

It may be more difficult at some schools, but it isn’t impossible. My daughter was thoughtful about updates, she wrote the LOCI when deferred, and she found a way to stand out. She also didn’t take it personally when deferred. She knew as an OOS without exceptional SAT scores (pre-TO), it would be hard to make it through the EA round. She was thrilled to get accepted in January and has had a fantastic experience so far.


Last year our first semester grades weren’t final until the first week in February. We’re in-state and had a few acceptances in January. I don’t have stats but my son and some of his friends were accepted. He knows a couple who were postponed as well.