UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023

The instate acceptance rate is more than double the OOS rate and your stats are excellent. Good luck.


Probably about 5-10 acceptances per year and usually all of them attend. I’m class rank 2/209


Thank you!

Then your chances are good.

DD23 worried about OOS EA admissions - curious about thoughts on chances
NJ school where not many apply, maybe 1 per year gets accepted although a very strong academic public school
3.98 UW / 4.56 W
1420 SAT - submitted
6 APs and 2 dual credit college courses/ Rutgers
Elite level athlete on a US national team
many extra curriculars but other than sports, nothing out of the ordinary
Applied to Kinesiology and essay reflect desire for MD following undergrad

I’m going to say…I would think she would have an excellent chance. My son was accepted in 2020 to Kinesiology with similar stats. I think that the essay is a big part of it - they seem to be very holistic in their review. I would think that chances would be higher given that you are coming from an area where not many apply there. Just my two cents! And just to add some confidence to your decision…the Kinesiology school has been nothing short of amazing. So personalized.


Really hard to say. It’s a competitive program. Is your son thinking of competing at Michigan? Good Luck.

Is your student a recruited athlete? A fair amount of slots in Kinesiology seem to go to athletes, so if he is playing his sport in college his chances are better, for sure.


Yep… That’s where I was going with it.

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thank you so much! Very nervous for her. She has a unique story and sport but SAT not stellar and no big PT/OT internships etc since she had no time due to training and traveling. Hoping it resonates!


Not recruited. Her sport is no longer an NCAA sport - USA gymnastics, but not artistic gymnastics so no NCAA funding/ competition any longer.


A couple things about Kinesiology.

1 - In terms of freshman admission slots reserved for recruited athletes, I believe that gets a bit overblown. Receiving a degree from the School of Kinesiology is not an easy path. The coursework is very rigorous. A great many of the recruited athletes, especially those that aren’t as studious as others, actually choose to get their degree in General Studies or some other LSA discipline.

Also, the School of Kinesiology has grown over the years and now has roughly 1,100 total students, so we’re talking about maybe 250 +/- slots per freshman class. So, the “reserved” recruited athlete % has decreased in recent years.

2 - Check out last year’s Fall of 2022 EA thread, we had a plethora of Kinesiology CC members, maybe somewhere around 10 +/- parents and students applying to the School of Kinesiology. Lots of good info could be gleaned by reviewing last year’s thread.

Good luck.


Just an FYI, and you may know this already, but Michigan has one of the best college gymnastics programs in the country. Michigan won the national championship in 2021 and they appear to be ranked #1 in the preseason for this season.

I never got to attend a meet, since my A2 visits would either be before or after the season, but my D did attend several of them. A great watch!


Yes I am going to agree with you on all of this …with a son in Kinesiology. It is very competitive. Sport Management alone accepted less than 100 freshmen in 2020.

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Hi! My son is 4.47gpa IB program. OOS. Challenging school but very few kids apply UMich. How do admissions establish connection with a school that doesn’t have lot of applicants and how does my son increase his chances given the situation?


The million dollar question. I hope your school’s advisor is making connections or reaching out to do so. I have known schools like yours that if they have a student they deem worthy will call or email the AO to push for that student.

So if your student applied EA. Hopefully met someone from Michigan at a school talk or if they came into your town. Went on information sessions online when available. Made it clear on essays that Michigan is the type of school that he can excel at and be part of their community… Then it’s still lots of luck. Having rigorous classes and good grades /stats is key. They also like involved students since that type of kid will most likely be active on campus as well. Did I mention some luck? Good Luck.

Thanks for the suggestion re reaching out to AO. Pretty sure they don’t do that. I wish alumni parents helped! :crossed_fingers:


I heard from a friend working with a college counselor that this year UMich received an overwhelming number of EA applications and as a result, any EA app received after 10/1/22 will automatically be deferred to RD. Any update on this situation? Is this a rumor without merit?


And related posts.

There’s a record number of EA and total apps every year. Last year Michigan received 84,000 apps, with estimated # of EA apps around 55,000 +/-.

It’s truly amazing that this rumor is floated every year. This forum has seen plenty of apps ACCEPTED (or rarely rejected) that had been submitted in the final days before the EA deadline.

My own D18 submitted her app on 10/31 just before going out on Halloween 2017 and was accepted EA. 65,000 apps were received that year.