UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023

Yes, it says his CS decision postponed until April. So, he knows he’s into CoE, but won’t know about CS until I guess regular decisions are made.

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CS Advanced Selection is new to everyone, so we’re learning. Thank you!


Wow- you are taking what I said way out of context!

Of course there are other students that aren’t in Honors that don’t hit the party scene hard. I was just adding on to your post about Honors that it can be a plus for kids who arrive knowing no one and might want to start with a smaller group. I think there may be value in Honors for that reason.

It goes without saying that the students at UMIch are serious about academics - we all know how hard our kids worked to get to this school. The heavy party culture is not mutually exclusive to academic success.

Look, I can only speak from my experience with a son who was a freshman last year, entered from OOS without knowing anyone, did not get to visit the school before due to Covid and had a miserable transition. It think it would have been a big help for him to have a smaller group to get started with and I was simply sharing that for other parents who may have a similar dynamic.


Got into CS🥳


Accepted CS, OOS.


For those acceptances we are hearing about now, were you deferred and hearing now that you are accepted? My son was accepted last week, but his best friend was deferred so we are crossing our fingers for him. Just wondering if some of the deferred students are starting to hear good news:)

Re the CS acceptances today: CS applicants were accepted EA to their various schools (LSA, CoE etc) but CS admit status was a separate decision that just came through today.


Ah got it, thanks!


Historically up to 2021, the highest yield rate for OOS admits is approximately 33%.

There must be a reason, or reasons, that every two out of three admitted OOS students ended up not enrolling at Michigan…


This is an easy one. Costs… My kids school usually had 45 acceptances but yearly 12-14 went. Many had just more affordable options especially instate (Illinois). I am sure there are other reasons but the kids over the years that I have met it almost always came down to costs.


absolutely, i was accepted oos and it’s my dream school but i don’t think i’ll be able to make it work financially :tired_face: oh well, i guess we’ll see


For most students their instate options will be their most affordable. My daughter went to her number 2 choice when #1 was just not there financially.

Find affordable colleges and get excited about them. There is no such thing as a good loan. Many of my kids friends will be paying back their loans soon and now realize that they should never of taken them out. Families shouldn’t take out second mortgages or dip into retirement. There is no advantage at all in doing so.

Be active on your campus and separate yourself and internships and companies will take notice.

Let us know when you decide where your going.


very good advice, thank you so much! my second choice is pitt because i’m in state & i recieved a great scholarship so i’m trying to give it a fair chance even though i’m pretty sad about michigan :broken_heart: i appreciate the kind words!


Not really… My son wants to wait for UMich campus day to decide on any thing. The focus really on the opportunities that each campus presents. He is going into these schools with some (vague) idea of what he wants to be after 4-5 years. So, there is a lot of discussion among the family on how each campus supports his plans.


If the school allows flexibility of interdisciplinary degree plan, higher costs worth the investment even if they come from loans. Cost becomes a factor when the outcomes don’t change even when investing big.


UMich has an extremely collaborative environment. The school provides every possible resource to succeed, ultimately it’s up-to the student to utilize it. There is something for everyone. No matter which part of the world I travel to I get a “Go Blue” if I’m wearing Michigan stuff. Couple of years back we were making the same choice as my kid was doing Biomedical Engineering and GT program is number 2 and Michigan was ranked 6th I think. But she wanted a college town and wanted to be a part of something spectacular. And she is extremely happy there. She works hard and parties hard which is very common at UMich


You got a pm


Start looking at club /activities on Pitt campus. Join Facebook etc groups. Time to get excited. Have a nice scholarship is fantastic. Nice to have a decision. Enjoy your senior year.

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thank you so much for the advice!

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Hello. S postponed from COE
in state
3.54 UW in IB school
lots of EC

working on EOCI and mid term grades requested so sending

is there any role in reaching out to the AO directly?

Any idea on chances? he seems to be just below some of his friends that were accepted but a lot of those were to LSA.

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