UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023

There are a LOT of Michigan alumni in New York City, and hence, a huge alumni network. For years, most of the students have gotten into Michigan (though, not all have gone), so it never seemed like an improbability especially when the majority of these kids are very high stats, full pay, and legacy.

Our applicant applied as did 20 classmates, all 3.8+, 1500+ SAT and involved… all deferred EA. Some have gotten great offers elsewhere, all are waiting for Ivy day.


A big reason for the high numbers in certain NYC metro schools is because these are highly competitive feeder schools to Ivies and other top 20 colleges. These kids are by and large from affluent families so apply ED/SCEA/REA somewhere higher ranked.

Most ED/SCEA/REA agreements also allow students to apply to state schools at the same time, and Michigan, UNC, UVA, and a few others are among the most popular because they are ranked the highest outside of the UCs. The UCs have their own application, timing, etc., so those aren’t the convenient back up that the others are.

Yes, Michigan is held in high regard throughout the country, but it’s current EA option makes it a strategic choice as much as anything else in certain high schools…hence 50% of a senior class might apply.

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Certainly, although there are probably even more alums per capita in Chicago and I’ve never heard of a high school around here where half the kids applied to Michigan.

As you note, the landscape has definitely changed, a lot. Slowly at first, and now in the last few years, rapidly. It seems more rapidly than a lot of students’ and parents’ perception of that landscape.

Okay accepted EA and trying to decide on UMich at 22k per yr more than UGA. Ik this question could b for another threat but… I’m interested in the UMich EA thread because…they r also EA’s. Any thoughts?

The kids at these schools likely have scores and course rigor above the average for Michigan. 1500+ is the norm and the coursework is rigorous for all. They are competitive.

Your point, though, above how they look relative to others in their own high school class is relevant. I am sure Michigan has an algorithm to help figure out who is genuinely interested and who is using it for a backup.

Some schools restrict the total number of applications their students can submit, which would help with this glut. I have mixed feelings about that practice, though.

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UGA has the better football team!

I don’t know much about UGA, but it might be helpful to know the major so others could answer in a more informed way.

LSA at Umich, prob gender and health possible moving towards medical and UGA Health Promotion/ Public Health.

Cost of Michigan OOS sucks—let’s get that out of the way. Beyond that, nothing against UGA, but aside from the recent rise in popularity of UGA, I would have a hard time choosing UGA over UMich.

UGA has never really been in the conversation with UMich until recently, and it simply won’t have the national or regional network and reputation (outside of the South I suppose) that UMich will have.

Better weather at UGA, and you sort of get to be a part of something new and exciting at UGA. Outside of maybe a certain major or discipline, I don’t think one can objectively tell you that going to UGA is the better choice between the two. It then becomes, does your kid really want to go to UGA, and if that is the case, it’s a great option!

Oh, and you’ll probably get the opposite answer if you post this in a UGA forum, lol.


Can we get more discussion as to when our kids will find out if they are accepted or not? Any Portal astrology?


Literally, all the NYC kids that I know, who are smart and would be comfortable with a big school, apply to Mich. It’s a must for most at our private school.

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Admissions office keeps saying “by early April”. They did not specify what year… :wink:

I’ve heard some scuttlebutt of this Friday, which is nothing shocking to hear. I’ve also heard the following Friday thrown around. Wouldn’t be surprised either way I suppose.


By early April

Thanks for the thorough response, seems similar the rumbling of chatter I’ve been hearing. And also to those looking for more info theres another thread specific for RD as well
UMichigan Class of 2027 Official RD Thread. I’m thinking now that includes EA deferred toooo

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No one has reported any portal changes, no high school counselors allegedly in the know have spilled any beans, no one has heard a date from calling admissions…It has been weirdly quiet around here for months, and this week continues to be the same.

Lol. I went to Wayne State, my niece to Grand Valley, other family members to Michigan and State etc. But I know families just down the block from AA and go to football games that really didn’t appreciate Michigan… Lol…

I guess for me it would come down to how hard of a stretch the additional $22K would be for our family and what her longer term goals are.

A lot of people on College Confidential seem to always promote the less expensive option, but if the additional $22K would not interfere with your quality of life or retirement plans or sending other kids to school, I would likely choose Michigan. The one caveat, though, is if she is planning on med school or similar I would also think harder about UGA.

If the additional $22K/year would be a hardship for my family, it would be a no-brainer for me.

ETA: I’m guessing that she knows that Michigan has a public health undergraduate degree through the School of Public Health, right?

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what are the odds this puppy releases friday?

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Any MVS or AES Kines applicants get an e-mail / letter about the winter cohort? My daughter got one last night. It just said that if applicants are waitlisted they are “eligible” for the winter cohort. But not sure what “eligible” means exactly?

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yes yes and yes I totally agree with these points to make a decision and I think like many of us we need a pros cons list and then a… after all the info is in place …can they take a #2 choice strictly for money.

A cystal ball would b nice right about now. "will school A or B’s education = the same end result.

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Applied to AES in Kinesiology and no, no email. Not sure if that’s good or bad.

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