UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Exactly the same for my son

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There are no letters for postponements as far as I can tell. It’s simply what’s posted on the site.

97%retention rate after first year and 92%after 6 years. Keep in mind many engineering kids go extra semester or years due to coop or internships.

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Thank you for posting! This is exactly the same message my D22 received who was postponed for COE in state.

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Yes. That’s what I meant but you got this in your portal. That is what I am considering the letter…

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Pls don’t jump on me, this is just a thought…but it sure would be nice if those of you who got Princeton and Harvard etc would go ahead and pull your application from UMich (because who are we kidding, your probably gonna choose HPY) instead of waiting just to see if you get in (or you already got in) and open a spot for some of these folks that have wanted UMich their whole lives! After reading comments on here, it makes me sad for some of them!! Just a thought. I do know it’s your right to not do so…


DS22 is US national studying abroad, received the info later than others due to time zones:

Status: Postponed (LSA)
Grades: Cambridge A Level predicted: 2 A*, 2 A. Also all A*/A in Grade 10 (IGCSE) & 11 (AS Level) Cambridge exams.
SAT Superscore: 1530
Varied EC’s and Leadership roles at school, Research paper publication in external academic journal.

LOCI (optional) suggested in the notification.

Hoping for best for everyone waiting for RD!

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From this thread and the anecdotal info from my kid’s school friends, seems the ones who got admitted EA are super-superstars, or alumni parent +star student . Seems more instate got accepted EA than OOS. That at least makes some sense. Guess UM wants to see if they can get the super-superstars . They can probably take a hit on the yield from that group since a vast number of (not so super) but still stars have been deferred. This is some 3-dimensional chess they’re playing. My kid (postponed at UM) is exhausted.


i agree, if you do not have any reason like financial aid or anything to want to wait out ur umich decision inspite of getting into ivies which are already above umich i believe and best of the best. You may want to leave your umich seat, for others who are looking at umich as their A1 choice.

I’m going to pull my postponed app and I pray all of your dreams come true, my friends. I really do. Reading your posts made me think….best of luck!! :four_leaf_clover:


There is a school in mumbai called dhirubai ambani international school which is owned by the multimillionaire Mr Ambani and is India’s best school and is very tough to get in. My brother was in that school and in his year 20 kids from the school got into umich but only 2 went to umich so the school is now blacklisted in umich’s eyes. So this explanation does make sense. The starkids generally backout and go to ivies.

Congrats! My son is applying to stamps next year he’s getting his portfolio together. Any helpful hints?

I think it all depends. At least in my case, my stats were below average for Mich and I did not submit a score. No alumni parents and 20+ kids from my school also applied, I think my essays are what got me in.

Congrats! My son is applying next year. Do you mind sharing stats and some helpful hints? He’s working on his portfolio now. Much congrats!

I get it, but for many its just not that simple. I would guess that over 50% of those kids are looking to see what type of aid they receive from every admitted school, and there would be no reason to pull any application until all of them were in. For the rest, while many might choose Ivies, there are also many who would prefer UM. My niece was offered to run at Yale, and she chose to go to UVA and not do athletics (even though she loves to run). Simply because the fit was better for her. Let’s be honest- a UM degree is not that much different than any other truly elite school. So while I agree that if a student has absolutely NO intention to enroll in the school that they should pull out, it’s reasonable to allow students to have choices that they’ve earned.


I think there are automatic awards and named awards in the CoE. We were hoping for an auto award, knowing that this was a very very big long shot (kind of like Regents at a UC?). I saw on a YouTube reaction video (I know :roll_eyes::laughing:) an OOS student who was awarded a merit scholarship on admission. If I’m remembering correctly, she went onto Vanderbilt on one of their named scholarships.

Here’s info from the UM website:

Engineering Scholarship of Honor

All admitted students who are U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents of the U.S. are automatically considered for the merit-based scholarships offered through the College of Engineering. Consideration is based upon the academic and extracurricular information provided on each student’s admissions application as well as the student’s essays and recommendation letters from teachers and counselors.

Thanks! you clarified it! did not know that they modified as such. Thought RD was only in April. You da best!

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but the website says ‘by early april’ so does that indicate any waves? i think they mean we all will get our decision by early april as in, in the first week of april. just how they did it with EA saying nO lAtEr ThAn EnD oF jAnUaRy and literally gave it in the end itself.

My D accepted - viewed on portal but no email alerting her to it.

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Good luck to your son and thank you! We are OOS (Chicago, Illinois). Her stats are: UW 3.95, 5 APs, and test optional. She is currently taking AP Art which had assignments over the summer that she used for her portfolio. She also took a portfolio prep class at the Art Institute of Chicago. She spent a lot of time on her essays which were unique and probably helped a lot.