UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

At least 8 students at my school got in early (one committed athlete). Michigan is very popular in the Bay Area lol

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Does anyone know how a student can find their Michigan id to be able to access their student account

Don’t give up hope. My kid got 80k(20k/year) at COE OOS applicant


What is noe RD?

Rejections are rarely reported here. Michigan does reject in EA, but the stats of applicants skew very high here on CC. We have applicants here who have been accpted by Princeton, Harvard and other Ivy’s.

Also, upthread, we’ve had second hand reports of rejections, here and on Reddit.

Thank you for saying this. I had a friend who got into umich with quite average stats but with great EC’s and Essays she got in. So like no one here should feel demotivated because a variety of students get in . Yes, mostly there are high stats students like the ones on CC but don’t loose hope because apart from your stats your application holistically matters so that does help you get in.


We are Illinois too- Evanston! Thanks for your post! He is planning to do a summer program actually at stamps if he is admitted. Best of luck to your daughter go blue!


For deferred, do they send out in waves or do we have to wait till April

There will likely be waves for acceptances since that’s what’s been done in the past. Rejections seem to only be issued after April.

No email here either

Postponed apps go to the regular decision pool though. I hope you’re right.

Posting for my son
he was deferred/postponed.
SAT 1520
UW GPA 3.7
private school, doesn’t rank
tri-varsity athlete, lots of leadership positions, wrestling captain
great essays - we thought!

He is not as devastated as I had thought he would be, thankfully. Everybody from his HS who wasn’t a recruited athlete got deferred, and the current students at UM he knows all started as deferrals. I’m secretly happy b/c this will force him to consider other colleges and it’s of course quite possible that he will still get in. I’d just like him to have some options so hopefully that will happen. The stats from kids deferred and accepted are kind of all over the map - are we sure Michigan admissions doesn’t have a dart board in that office???


My kid is in one of the most, if not the most, competitive nyc high schools. All his friends that applied for U-M EA were postponed. This EA is frustrating, if they intend to defer so many students, they should have made it clear. The EA doesn’t help college planning, it only adds stress. Maybe just another way to keep their acceptance rate low.


I am on a UM Prospective Parents FB Group. I believe I joined it when my 2020 son was going through this 2 years ago, or I could have joined last year when my 2021 twins were waiting to hear back. I don’t remember which. I never dropped out of the group once my kids made their decisions. In any event, there were definitely some reported outright denials/rejections on that that page yesterday. I believe it is a public page, but not sure. Seeing the deferred/postponed and accepted/denied posts on that group yesterday is what prompted me to come back to CC for first time in forever. It almost like PTSD being back. I feel for everyone and know what the students and parents are going through.


The letter of continued interest isn’t even due until mid to late Feb though.

I think it is a yield issue. My son OOS also has 1580 SAT, top of the class from a top school in the country, very high GPA, weighted and unweighted, very solid ECs, essays, leadership, track record for commitment to community service, presidential scholar candidate, several APs with 5s, applied to Ross was deferred. Visit to UMich to demonstrate interest didn’t help avoid the deferment.


we’ve been there a few times over the years, but not specifically for a college tour. he has friends and family that attend and has been to football games.

Similar to my daughter although we are instate and she got a 35 on ACT from a very rigorous private school. Three varsity sports and a new 4th one this spring and doing two varsity sports right now and captainship of both. Made it national figure skating competition after winning region. Art award and several athlete scholar awards. And kids with lesser stats from her school got in. And I’m a grad school alumni! Good luck to your son.

For UMich portal, where is the place you can send LOCI? There is one option for 250 words.

Where and whom to send LOCI? On portal , to AO?