UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

After being here for 5 years or so we have seen these types of suggestions go south quickly. You can see my posts and hopefully they are helpful to many. But I read it as suggesting someone to drop out just because they got some good acceptances elsewhere. Making decisions that can affect your future for many takes time. No one should be asked to rush that decision. I just want to think being supportive is a better idea. As the saying goes, most will land where they belong.


That is it.

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That will be 2 short paragraphs for 250 words for LOCI.

Whatā€™s betterā€¦ postponed or deferred?

Itā€™s the same thing ā€¦ the terms are used interchangeably.

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Ohhh thank you. I didnā€™t know if people were getting separate wording as postponed or deferred.

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I donā€™t understand why they donā€™t just have normal ED - seems like that would solve a lot of these issues that they seem to think they have. This ā€œsystemā€ is simply insane. As a parent (Iā€™m lurking on my sonā€™s account - he has moved on!) I find it a real turn off. Especially when I contrast this to SMU, which seems to be staffed with genuinely nice people who seem to actually WANT my son, and at least value him as a candidate. Iā€™m not exactly shot in the tail at the thought of writing a giant check to some of these schools, Michigan included. We shall seeā€¦my son is still rabid at the thought of UM, but Iā€™m going to be pushing hard for some comparative shopping.


OOS/Postponed/LSA. Just have the link for the LOCI. No mid year grade request. Sister a junior at CoE. We will see what happens. Would be nice to know in a earlier wave.


Is the link the one box with 250 words?

Congrats!!! I remember she got into MIT and GT right? Well deserving acceptance.


Thatā€™s correct. I think they really do want to judge interest. She has some great ECs (leadership, social justice, community impact), varsity sports/ captain and top 1% of class, full IB and all that.


thanks. thatā€™s correct.

Are grade requests for postponed applicants specific to certain colleges? D22 had a grade request and she applied COE. Anyone have a grade request from LSA or not get one from COE?

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I have a grade request and loci available on my portal!

What college did you apply to?

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Son postponed for engineering:
In-state, from one of top high schools sending students to UofM
3.9 UW
AP BC Calc (5), Physics (5), Chem, Bio, Econ, Stats
Electives loaded with STEM - Computer Programming, Engineering Design, Cellular Biology/Genetics, etc.
Strong recommendations
Good essay, but probably did not give UofM what they were seeking in the ā€œwhat group do you belong toā€ question
Lots of volunteer work
ECs centered around First Robotics - Varsity, Engineering Team Lead, on team all four years
Demonstrated interest with campus tour

Thing #1 will write the requested essay, and weā€™ll have his fall semester grades sent, which should help (straight "A"s taking AP Bio, AP Chem and AP Stats).


Wow. I would have thought he would have had an excellent shot in state. Iā€™m very surprised.

Do you mind telling me if got a request for mid year grades?

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where do you see if they asked for grades?


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What do you mean by an earlier wave?