UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I think they did, along with the essay. We had already planned to send fall semester grades to CMU, so we’ll ad UofM to the list.

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Some say to expect decisions in waves - mid feb, mid March and then April. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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That’s surprising bc the essay is not even due till late Feb

so does that mean sending the letter earlier gives me a better chance of getting a decision in feb?

So your daughter was accepted at Stamps? My daughter was as well!


To make things more confusing some could get accepted prior to even getting the loci or grades. It happens. They also might had to postpone some apps that there was just not enough time to get to and in the next few weeks they will have time to do so. Each app gets a few serious views, not just a glance and with 55,000(estimate) applications in EA, it’s a lot to do. Just a few years ago 55,000 would be the total of all the apps. Just hang in there. Many here will get accepted in February…


I know I posted this before but talking to people I know on other school forums… This EA has been kinda brutal. Lots more rejections and deferrals across the board. Schools that would normally be safeties, aren’t now. I don’t know but with so many kids applying to so many schools… This is bound to happen I guess. Back in the day my wife in Michigan applied to one college. Michigan. Think about that now. My son wanted to just apply to 5 schools and we made him apply to a lot more… At the end his decisions came down to those same 5 schools then 2 then one…

But hang in there.

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Interesting email our son’s GC just sent to five kids in his HS. Basically, she gave them the stats of the average postponement from UM over the last six years in EA. She then gave them the stats of the average admitted student AFTER postponement. The latter were worse stats, as we might expect.

She then told them that most/all had a great chance at being admitted, but that it was important that UM be one of their “top choices”. In that instance, to write the LOI and that she would follow up.

It is a fairly well known private school, and with very few exceptions UM has postponed just about everyone over the years. We might argue it’s not fair, but that would be a bit flimsy considering all of the benefits these students receive prior to application.


Pre-pandemic, RD decisions were released in waves on or about 2/1, 3/1 and 4/1, generally on Fridays. Last cycle, RD decisions timed on the same Fridays as Ross BBA decisions.

This year? I’m thinking the same as last year. But I don’t know for sure.

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does anyone have any guidelines for what I should write in my loci?

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My daughter did the HS summer program offered by Michigan - it was offered online last summer - very affordable, unlike some of the other fine arts school summer programs. She also attended one of those regional information sessions held in NJ, and her essays were focused on why she wanted to attend UM. Her portfolio (which I am told is 50% of the evaluation), I gather was good, but I would have no idea - I don’t know anything about art. She didn’t have special art awards or other distinctions. Her stats were good but she was not at the very top of her class. In the end, I think they saw her as a good fit and someone who would accept if offered. Good luck with your son.


Not according to the FAQ’s on UofM’s website…

The Expression of Continued Interest form is NOT required for consideration in our process. Furthermore, no preference is given for the order or date in which the form is received. If you choose to submit this form, we prefer that you do so by Feb. 20 for all first-year applicants.

Does not everyone get a loci request?

Any suggestions for the LOCI? Should it cover any new changes since the EA application? Should it (also) include why we are still interested in Umich?

Yes. Both

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Regarding the LOCI message, I’d recommend sending ASAP, because, if the 1st RD decisions are released Friday 2/18, which is based on my speculation, then you may have missed the 1st RD release with that LOCI.


I agree with @sushiritto. Get it done. We can only provide hints to this process. But if I really had continued interest sending it in sooner would show that. Yes, I know it says otherwise but just giving years of experience being on here.


Yes through the portal.

Congrats to your daughter!

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