UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Thanks. That’s exactly what I am hearing also. Wanted the people here to hear another perspective…

May be. But using my S22 and his friends as a sample, they all have 1500+ SAT scores with 790+ in Math. Mix of 4s and 5s in stem APs. All of them deferred by Umich and except for 1, also at Purdue.

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While people up and down this thread continue to say that UM denied applicants in EA, and that people here just don’t share it, I have not seen a single post of a denial. All but one postponed at my daughter’s school including both valedictorians. Anecdotally, the one who was admitted had mediocre grades, did not take AP classes, is not a candidate for the IB diploma, but had a great “story” - a life of perserverance. My point is that it feels that UM made decisions on acceptances, and kicked the rest to the next round. While there might have been a number of denials, I have not heard of any and have not seen any posts about any. It thus feels that this next round is going to be more difficult.

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There were people in a group chat I was in that were denied.

Thank you for sharing. (Not that I am wishing denials on anyone!)

And over the years, generally there aren’t any posts of rejections. Or they’re rare. But there were a few posts on this thread of rejections 2nd hand. That happened here. And there were reports on Reddit too.

But CC is a very small sample of 53,000 EA apps and it’s highly skewed sample at that.

I can confirm one of my son’s friend was rejected. The others were postponed.

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In 250 LOCI- words essay, what do we have to suppose to stress? Our own accomplishments or why UMich? any suggestions?

While parents and students are fretting about the uncertainty regarding college applications due to COVID madness, trend away from standardized testing, trend toward admissions based on factors other than academic achievement, etc., highly rated schools are dealing with huge spikes in applications, uncertainty about yield rates and resource allocations. It’s nuts for the schools too.


My understanding is both. Challenge is 250 words

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This thread from a Twitter account from UIUC admissions officer explains why there are so many deferrals this year at so many universities, even those that did not previously follow a heavy postpone/ defer in the last like Michigan.

My son was postponed for LSA.
35 ACT (one sitting) ’
4.5 weighted GPA
Captain of two sports
Nat’l honor society Co-President
All state saxopohonist

I can confirm that we know several people who were rejected.

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I posted it on this thread yesterday. I think it answers many of the questions people are asking, and firmly believe that it applies to all big public universities this year. Labor shortages are everywhere. Even if you have money to hire people you cannot find people to hire. That coupled with the fact that yield formulas went out the window after last year’s admissions cycle which strangely produced record breaking first year classes at many universities has changed the way they do things. Or in the case of Michigan emphasized the postponement process.

We are in state and I don’t know of anyone who was rejected at D22’s high school. BUT, I also know that there are postponed kids at her school who aren’t telling anyone because they are so upset/embarrassed, so there could very well be rejected kids not sharing.

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My daughter kept hers pretty straightforward. She focused on why Michigan, what she did in her first semester, and some new accomplishments.


Write this number down so you do not have to search it later, 53k will turn out to be fabricated and massively low. I bet you a latte that it is closer to 70 than 53.


From the letter my kid got
“ We received more than 53,000 Early Action applications, and yours stood out among the very best - you should be extremely proud of your accomplishments!”


Does every accepted kid get this letter or only top ones?

No idea
I would assume all - nice letter but seems boilerplate

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Funny, i thought your question was odd until I re-read the comment!!! Let’s say they let in 3,000 - does that sentence mean that every one of the 3,000 “stood out among the very best”?