UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

If you have something new in accomplishments then sure. Don’t repeat what is already on your application. If not, then why do you want to go there and how are you going to be active on campus and bring change? Let them know you want to go there. Don’t repeat facts they know like 6th in engineering etc. They know that already and your just wasting words. End with Go Blue… :joy::blue_heart:


Yep thx read it. Pretty much what I thought. Crap, I know a few here that would read the apps then everyone here would be accepted… :joy::open_book:

Perfect!! Good Luck.

Rick Clark from Georgia Tech writes one of the best admission blogs in the industry with some humor. But his points are right on.

Read this and look back at his mountain of information. His advice applies to any school.


This should get pinned!

Pretty easy to be sanguine from the other side of the table. If only students can tell a prospective employer - believe me I was Caltech material, but Umass was a better fit. Most of the time, you won’t even get a chance to say this but so long as employers and society as a whole continue to be brand addicted its kinda insulting to ask students to not be affected by these decisions.


Sorry to state the obvious, but if we assume the average application fee is $75 and a school gets 50,000 applications - that is $3,750,000.


@momofboiler1 this is a better one. Rick is the master.

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Totally agree. Been there and done that twice… Lol… It’s not an easy process. But I will tell you my kids didn’t check portals daily. They knew when announcements were coming out. I drove my kids crazy and made the process harder on them then it should of been. Looking back I learned a lot and knowing what you can control and what you can’t helps.


Same here. I know deep down that my S22 is alright but I wince when I hear AOs tell students not to worry. They have to recognize this is painful, and let the student naturally come to the realization that they will be alright in the long run. Forcing this message in the face what is likely the most bitter rejection in a young person’s life is neither effective nor empathic.


Hi all, a question for the postponed students…how do we know that Michigan has received the mid year transcript ? My son sent it to common app through Parchment, that’s what his school uses. Is there any place on the portal to check if it is received ?

Read two posts up. It explains it better also.

Not shown on the portal. I checked with them via live chat. They said our counselor sent it before the deferral, and therefore the checklist is complete.

To be fair to Michigan, or any University, I don’t think the Admissions Dept. generates any other income during the fiscal year, not including tuition, which operates the entire school, so I’m sure that money is used to pay the salaries and benefits and keep the heat and lights on for the folks that make the Admissions department run. :slight_smile:

Understood. And agree. I was simply doing that math on reviewing 50,000 applications for 20 minutes on average and realized that this is 16,000 man hours. To get that done in 60 days is 46 people.

Then I wondered how they pay for that and I said “oh the admissions fee!”

Ya, I’ve read 5-15 minutes to review each app. That’s why I believe that they can get through 50,000+ EA apps fairly quickly.


You are kind. Most schools read only max 70 percent of the apps (max). As some apps don’t pass the initial numerical screen.

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Thank you

Has the extra money been budgeted for students being admitted this year? Or does it go into effect next year?

Does Davidson have EA? I thought their early answers were binding.