UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Did everyone who get postponed have the option to write the LOCI?

I prefer this approach to that of Tulane- $0 app fee is used to recruit and encourage students to apply so that the school can turn them down and appear to be more selective than it is.

This is a fundamental flaw with most rankings- schools should not rise in ranking based on how many students wasted time, and money ( incl. transcript costs) applying to their institutions when outcomes & ROI are the metrics that should matter.


Same here. No LOCI requested, no grades requested. I wonder what does it mean?

On the portal under action items? Option to click a link for LOCI.

My daughter got a 35 ACT coming from a top 10 feeder school and still got deferred.

Lol, their not writing personal letters :rofl:

wait so not everyone was given the LOCI option?

They were. It’s just not obvious for some.

I think spfather’s point was that he was surprised with the word choice of “your application was one of the strongest”.

Unless they wrote different versions, this would mean that they believe 3,000 out of 50,000 makes yours one of the “strongest”. Technically true but slightly cute.

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My D22 also got the same stats in her EA acceptance letter.


Have you looked under “Action Items” → “Resolve” → “Verify Continued Interest” for the LOCI?
And under “Messages” → “Review” → “Decision Postponed” regarding grades?

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Zero chance they are not giving everyone that option. This would jeopardize the equal playing field that they do such a good job preserving at every turn.

When do you think the first wave of decisions will come out

Where’s that “3,000” number derived or estimated from again?

My hunch, with zero historical data, is that we are going to start to see a consistent, slow trickle of decisions over the coming weeks. I think they now have a gap to close and I am sure they have stratified stacks now where they match up semester grades and LOCI’s and send.

It’s simply the debate you and I had earlier. You have said that 3,500 is the historical number. I simply do not think they met that number this year. I think there was a change in strategy, quality of apps, volume of apps or simply operational that left them closer to 2,500 this year.

But all hunches.

If you’re asking my opinion, then I’d say one of these three (3) Fridays: 2/18 (may be too soon after hearing others talk to admissions people), 2/25 or 3/4.

Pure guesses.

I know of three separate high schools that are having “update” calls with their UM AO over the next 4-5 days. More info will start to flow. Clearly, almost every counselor is seeing the data, hearing from parents and scrambling to figure our what is going on and what is the plan.

More info will start to flow.

That “3,000” or “3,500” came from @Knowsstuff as an estimate of an enrolled number in EA.

I’ve always said that historically, Michigan admits around 50% of their total acceptances in EA, or around 7,500-8,000 acceptances of their total acceptances, which lately has been around 16,000.

I’m not sure if they’ve admitted more, same or less than they’re typical 50%. I’m genuinely confused this year.

What do you think the percentage of postponed applicants will get admitted