UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Why is it you think someone needs to make decisions for other families? I am struggling to understand this thought process.

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Applicants get to rank their schools, nobody else. Nobody dictates that.

I don’t see a need for my kid to get into all the schools she applied to. Her top choice, failing that, her 2nd, etc. If she could get into one school, have that be as “high” up her list as possible with an algorithm similar med residency type matching algorithm. She would be satisfied.

I would think that this could help other families as she is not now obliged to release her other offers until May. It seems most others would rather wait it out, and possibly get multiple offers and compare packages. So be it.

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Since the ECI for UMich is only 250 words, is it okay if I skip the ‘Why Umich’ part of it? I have already had to cut out some of my achievements (which I felt really bad about because I’m emotionally attached to all of them). However, I have mentioned that UMich is my first choice.

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My D was struggling with that too. Eventually, she bullet listed the achievements with short sentences to explain them which gave her necessary words to still talk about “why UMich”, clubs/activities interested in and the like. Used all 250 words :).

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I think emphasizing “fit” is more important in a LOCI than simply answering “why UMich?” a second time.

If you have notable achievements, definitely list them and explain how they’re relevant to your wanting to study at UMich / or demonstrate how they make you a more desirable applicant.


Yep. Not only do these students need to prove that they are solid applicants, but their predecessors need to have shown the school love. Furthermore, our GC has told us that on occasion the AO has referenced HOW previously enrolled students fared once arriving on campus. It is a broken process.

Theoretically, the financial hurdle can be cleared in advance. We already have a system that provides estimates of likely need. Centralize that system, have colleges who want to participate (it would be all/most of the top 100, or they’d get flamed) subsidize so that there is enough funding to provide every student a comprehensive review. Begin this process in the spring/summer prior to senior year. By 10/1, every student receives his or her number. Provide 2 months for appeals, updates, etc. 12/1, open applications. Colleges will transparently announce the type of aid they will be providing non-merit. Some schools (the Ivies, Vanderbilts, etc.) will simply agree to the number the student has been given in advance. Others will spell out their aid options clearly in advance of application. ALL students will apply to all of their schools with a very clear understanding of the need-based aid that they will receive if accepted.

I doubt many of the privates will do this (and the publics won’t want to, since it’ll be a bit clearer that they don’t provide much aid to OOS, where they make their $), because it will put their feet to the fire. But it would be a much fairer process, and less stressful.

Thank you for clarifying, and thanks @NJFather . Yes, as someone said weeks ago, it’s clear as mud.

We were told to stress fit, what your academic plan is and how you will execute it best at UM, what you bring to the table - lay it all out, wrap it up in a bow and of course if true, finish with UM is first choice. Challenging in 250 words.

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Our D was instructed not to say UM was her first choice, unless she was willing to say UM/Ross was her first choice. Due to what has been discussed above- saying that and then not attending might hurt her HS. There are parents who don’t care, and I get that.

Her LOI began with her trips to the Big House with family as a child, envisioning herself one day doing the same as a student. Then all of her accomplishments since her EA app was submitted, and connecting at the end to her potential studies.

We were told not to make it a “love letter” and to simply show great interest in attending while updating her “resume” from the app. Interestingly
our GC said that the LOI would likely get a much closer look than her essays. Huh? She said that UM was struggling to process all of the apps and that her contacts at other schools had told her that some in admissions were “scanning” many of the applicant essays, and that there was pressure to process at a much quicker pace than in years past. I hope that’s not true.

The school is not a party to the application but they certainly communicate with colleges about the students. It’s perfectly acceptable for admissions officers to discuss a student with the school counselor. And the school has an interest in a positive relationship with the college as students backing out of ED could adversely affect other students at the HS as to their chance of admission at that college. So it doesn’t seem out of the realm of what could happen. Not saying it’s right or wrong, I just don’t know that it’s necessarily overstepping?

A couple of questions for the UMich veterans here

Was the “black screen” (shown below) that appeared a few days before the EA results something that only happened this year or does that happen every year?
If every year, do they do that ahead of each RD wave as well?

I feel like I have written more about my accomplishments rather than stress on my ‘fit’ for Umich. But the problem is I can’t cut any more things. So I am at a cross road where I really don’t know what to do. If possible, can someone pleaseeeee give my LOCI a look over? (yes, I do realize I’m ranting)

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Feel free to PM me.

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IL here - so right behind you in property taxes! Sent all my kids to public schools- the only way to justify the taxes! cheaper than pvt schools and they seem to be ending up at same or better schools than the privates!


Sounds like you’re fine to me. At 17 or 18yo, not living in Ann Arbor, not currently attending classes
how can you sell that you are such a great “fit”? How do YOU even know you’re such a great “fit”? Because you watched some football games, a parent attended UM, or a wolverine is your favorite mascot? Or because you spent 4 hours researching names to drop (or worse, call)?

Take a deep breath
you’re a teenager
you’re not supposed to have an unbreakable, magical bond with the school at this point that you must convey in words. Your “Why Michigan” essay already addressed why you applied there beyond its position on the USNews list.

Updated what you’ve been doing since 11/1 and let them know you still would love to have the opportunity to attend in the fall.


i believe it shows before your decision, is it showing in your screen currently?

thank you so much :slight_smile:

She fit all that? My son wrote his, but it’s over the 250 word limit and he’s trying to figure out how to edit it down but not leave something out. And now he’s NMF, which he wants to add as well. About 20 words to cut, which shouldn’t be hard, but when you have 250, it is hard!

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Need advice

My son has already submitted his ECI. Today he came to know that he is NMF. Is this something he should update the admissions about ? His logic is that since most National Merit semifinalists make it to Finalists anyways, he doesn’t need to do anything.
What would you recommend?
Thank you