UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Our high school hasn’t had a single one in recent memory. There is an occasional commended student.

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Not all minorities. You will find some, particularly those whose cultures that value education do quite well. It is not uncommon in my area for some cultural community centers to start prepping kids for the SAT/ACT at Grade 5.
There is a reason some do well and others do not- the link is typically they students come from families that are educated or that endorse higher education. It is unclear to me how math can contain “hidden biases” but very clear to me that assuming minorities cannot perform on standardized tests is racist in itself.
Some argue urban students often have substandard schools that do not prepare its students- this only supports the case for standardized tests & proves they work to identify college readiness. Masking the problem doesn’t make it go away.


My son’s school is vocational school that is why that many kids in NMSF. Good or bad when applying colleges, so many good stat kids in one school.

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Can we return the focus to Michigan please? Most students don’t want to wade through OT discussions like racial bias in SATs, application limits, ED agreements, etc.


Yes, my son applied to Vanderbilt. We haven’t heard anything from them yet.

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what’s everyone thinking about a release wave this friday 2/18?


Saving the day!

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25% probability :wink:

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really really hope so. waiting even these 3 weeks has been horrible!:frowning:

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Not happening.


Not that I agree with it, but I’ll bet the “under.” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Actually, I’ll bet that there is a release on Friday 2/18. A 99.99% chance.

(Ross BBA) :+1:


Because they wouldn’t put us out of misery that easily.

Completely agree with returning to the focus of the thread. However, just one small vent about public debates.

We are all trying to find the right college for our children. An academic institution where during the next four years they will be exposed to new people and ideas, be stretched intellectually, become more thoughtful, and learn how to discuss ideas and debate important topics. Unfortunately, as a society we will never move forward if every time we disagree we resort to name calling and hyperbolic accusations. We see it far too much on campuses, even from professors, and in general places like this forum. If we want to change someone’s mind let’s do it with thoughtful discourse and facts, not accusations and personal attacks.


Were there postponed releases in February last year?

Yup, me too.

Respectfully disagree, it’s all part of the discussion. Plenty of comments about how flawed the admissions process is, and thoughts about what would “right” the system - lots of privilege in those responses (paying $10 per day to keep an offer open???). All of the discussion about what Admissions should do, should not do, going back to mandatory testing, etc. When race and privilege is interjected, you shut the discussion down.