UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

That’s super strange. I just assumed it said FA’23 because Ross classes wouldn’t start til sophomore year. Also not sure why they were created at such different times.

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Yh, also it’s strange that it says this portal is unavailable rather than ‘your decision is being updated’ as if it was the latter, it would mean you’re getting a decision today.

Do you have a FA’22 as well or just FA’23?

yep exactly. will find out in 3 hours anyways! hopefully other ross applicants will respond too and say which of ours theirs looks like - hoping its not specific to my application and that others look like it too lol

I have FA’22 for my college of engineering app

perhaps this is a dumb question, however, there appears to be a dropdown option that allows you to switch from the F23 BBA current selection. Is F22 one of these other options?

@sushiritto any ideas on this?

yes the dropdown lets me switch to the engineering app portal

Good Luck to all applicants today! I know there will be some Ross Decisions!! Hang in there if you do not receive a decision today - there are 2 more decision dates! My son’s came in the April wave right at 5pm ES. As I said before he was EA in Jan - not deferred - so was already in to UM but got into Ross in April wave. In the first 2 Ross waves his portal did not change & there was no email - nothing - so if you do not receive any news from Ross today - just assume you are still in consideration for Ross. Good Luck!! Sending good vibes & lots of pixie dust!!:blush::blush::blue_heart::yellow_heart:


Did the portal change for you (assumign you’re a Ross applicant) or no?

Thank you! Do you have any idea if your son’s portal changed before the Ross update on April?

Portal can change a few days to an hour before. There was no maintience Monday reported also… Just a few hours and yuub will know. Weird stuff happening is a good sign :signal_strength:

Will COE also come out today?

Mine has been like this since the day it was created though - not sure if this is an issue only I am having

sounds like an excuse to call admissions :slight_smile:


Well, you will find out soon. But it’s strange to have a local issue like that. If there is a problem it’s usually a global one. Maybe they have an IT person that can look into it but maybe after the release today yours will look different. Let us know

if postponed EA were to come out today would it be at 3? or 5?

Postponed decisions are not being released today, I asked admissions.


on live chat?

They are not coming out today - the lady I spoke to on the phone said mid-march is what she assumes. Possibly early march for the first wave.