UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I doubt you’ll get anything more than the standard “by early April” response - but try. Also, to be very clear - the people answering the phone/live chat are not AOs.


if anyone has, please update with their response!

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Just take the initiative and do it yourself and report back but we already know Ross will release today.

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so the ross decisions are today (some at least)? that was my question, i tried to live chat an AO but unfortunately could not get connected

Hey look, if you want to chat online or call Michigan that’s your prerogative.

But they’re not going to give YOU any inside or special info on a RD release and will just give you the public company line of “all decisions will be released by the beginning of April.”


i understand that, i was just wondering if anyone had confirmed a ross release or it was still speculation.


@sushiritto provided this link:

So today is a confirmed date for a Ross release, not just speculation.


Ross BBA has been officially announcing their decision dates for at least 2020, 2021 and 2022. I can’t remember before that though.

I am sorry if you have answered this but do you think there will be an LSA decision release today (my D22 was postponed EA)

No, I don’t think it’ll be today for RD. There isn’t any mass reporting of portals changing and/or being offline.


did the portals change before the first rd release last year?

Do you have any idea if Ross portal changes before the update? I don’t witness a change in my portal (I was accepted LSA EA). Does this likely mean I won’t get an update today?

Ross applicants may or may not see their portal change or “glitch” before release. All you can do is check your email and portal today. The last few years it’s always happened right at 5 PM EST.


Thanks! So no ‘black screen’ as the EA release. I guess I’ll have to stay up till 2AM in my time :slight_smile:


Does everyone else who was already accepted and applied to Ross have an app status portal for Ross that looks like this? Mine has looked like this since a few days after I was accepted and they created a separate app in the portal for Ross.

So today, we will have:

  • some Ross decisions
  • possibly some COE Postponed decisions - mostly acceptances
  • possibly some LSA Postponed decisions - mostly acceptances
  • no RD decisions

Is this right?


Today, we will for sure have SOME Ross BBA acceptance decisions. A big chunk relative to Ross admittance pool.

I don’t believe any of the others are going to happen today. But it’s a possibility.


Nope. I still can access my Ross portal, although the ross application was created in like December. Also, for me it’s FA’22 rather than FA’23.

Also, I’m not sure why it indicates FA’23 since aren’t we entering class in Fall 2022, not 2023? Seems weird

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Recent history, do you have a sense of what % of the total Ross acceptances are provided on the first decision round?