UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

A new Ross BBA blog post today, Thursday 2/24. Is there a reason why it was posted today? I’m such a “conspiracy theorist,” so don’t mind my machinations.

Much earlier in thread, there was some talk about a simultaneous review of both home school and Ross:

Even the postponed will obviously be admitted to Ross, no surprises there:

No surprises here either:

WIsh LSA was as communicative and transparent as Ross.


It’s an indication of life as an LSA student, too. COE students, for instance, got far more attention and communication prior to matriculating than my LSA student did. She continues to struggle (pre-major declaration) to get good academic advising and needs to be very proactive with what she needs.

She loves the school and is getting great experiences, but LSA is a monolith.

Tons of relatives who have either recently passed through UM LSA or had done son over the past few decades. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I fear that is going to be the case at just about every large school.

My brother-in-law, who attended and whose two children just recently graduated, hammered that home for our D last summer. You get out what you put in, but if you wait for the UM experience to come to you then you’ll end up with a shiny degree but not the experience or the prep you had hoped to gain. BUT…if you seek out your goals, the opportunities are almost literally endless. It was a pep talk for the school while also being somewhat of a warning. She loved Wake as well, and I’m not sure there could be two more disparate approaches from admin.

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AGREE!!! :face_exhaling:

I’ll just say my D’s experience with LSA advising has been the polar opposite. She has an advisor for her major and both minors. And they’ve all been super helpful and have had reasonable availability for her over her tenure at Michigan. We’ve been pleased with this piece.

Also, when D arrived for her freshman orientation, her advisor spent plenty of time with her going over the results of her placement tests, AP credits, course schedule, etc. during her July appt. many years ago. Obviously YMMV.

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This is pre-major. When she discusses things with advisors within specifics departments, her experience has been better.

Also, the pandemic impact has been huge. My 2020 has never had an in person advising appointment and orientation was virtual and asynchronous.

that is my daughter as well!

We were surprised that she got deffered! though she’s I guess what is considered a high-stats kid (1520 w/800 in math and a 4.0 unweighted) it is her other stuff that is actually more impressive so I would think a great ‘holistic’ candidate.

but she just put that she’s still interested in attending UMich and she stated her final GPA and class rank (was higher than what she had submitted due to first semester grades) and that was it. she felt that if she wasn’t enough for them with what she had to offer, it wasn’t her place to ‘suck up’ to get in.
we will see what happens.

Your statements are so true. If you take the initiative Michigan will go out of their way to be helpful. This was my son’s and his friends experiences. We told our kids to “bet” on yourself. Take chances. Go out of your comfort zones. There is so much out there for them waiting to be taken. Go for it. Both kids at different schools with my daughter at a small Lac actually listened :wink:and both were active on campus and made their time meaningful. My challenge to them was what can you do to leave your school’s in a better place from when you started. It’s amazing what the students can do when they apply themselves.

The fact that Ross is telling postponed kids “try not to worry” and “don’t panic” is ridiculous. I don’t even have a kid who applied to Ross and it irritates me to read that - because what postponed applicant who really wants to attend Michigan isn’t going to worry? Who is going to read that and think, “Oh, whew! I can relax now…”?

I believe they absolutely use postponements to manage yield at every level. It’s not just high stats OOS kids and it’s not just trying to maintain a high yield … it’s a tool they use to manage class size. I get it - they need to make sure they aren’t over enrolled, but other institutions manage to do this without all of these mysterious waves that cause so much anxiety. Why can’t Michigan?


realistically, is a release tomorrow at all possible?

Possible yes, probable no.


thank you!



@sushiritto are you a betting man??? You should take your talents to Vegas.

my DD declined her acceptance to a school that she had a direct admit to B school, with merit, but knew she liked her other admits more. within 2 hours after she withdrew - another student posted HE’d gotten in off the wait list, same direct admit to B school and same merit offer! while it is 100% coincidence – you cannot convince my DD that her act did not immediately help another and she felt great. She has since declined 2 more schools. I encourage others to do so ONLY if they know the school is not where they want to be.


That is so wonderful @granitegirl. Thank you for sharing.

That is so sweet to hear that the other student got in and be excited about it.

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We are all guessing. No one knows. Maybe 3/4

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Yes, too much anxiety, parents are going crazy. Students are under lot of pressure.