UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Understand that the number of students who know where they are going already is very few. Even when getting accepted to more selective schools, many students are waiting for more scholarships or merit from their “lower” schools. It would be foolish to withdrawal these apps. Unfortunately, it often isn’t in students’ best interest to withdrawal apps. Those who withdrawal already are so few that it won’t realistically affect the chances of anyone else still in limbo.

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That’s not the category of students being referred to.
If you’re not sure (for financial reasons or any other) then certainly don’t withdraw! On the other hand, if you’re absolutely sure where you’re going then it’s nice to pull out other apps or at the very least don’t send in a LOCI saying what a great fit you are, when you don’t plan to enroll. But I get it, it’s a personal choice.


100%. I was merely reacting to the poster who stated that they already knew where they were going to attend with absolute. Any of the things you mention- as well as even a hint of question- would make it folly to withdraw applications anywhere. For those who have no financial restrictions, I would argue that withdrawing applications from their “safeties” after being accepted into school they would much rather attend is an altruistic move.


When my D applied, she refused to send in a LOCI for that reason. She said she wouldn’t lie and tell a school that wasn’t her #1 that they were, or that she was still interested.

That said, schools know their historical yield numbers very well. Many many more students will be accepted than will matriculate. That’s just the nature of the game.

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Agreed on the latter, and it’s not zero sum of course, but we HAVE heard from AOs (not UM) that they do have numbers and that one less acceptance is likely to result in an acceptance somewhere else. During a specific round. Not after the fact, as that falls into their yield configuration.

Our D did not tell UM it was her #1. She talked about our family’s history and love for UM, the fact that Ross has been a dream of hers, and then updated what she has accomplished since the application was sent in the fall. For better or worse, she gave UM a pretty good sense of her UM thoughts- it would be “in the running” though likely wouldn’t attend as LSA, and would be an extremely strong candidate and better than 50/50 if Ross (understanding the folks reading her LOCI don’t control Ross). We somewhat cautioned against how she framed it…but our D can be adamant that she needs to feel comfortable with what she puts out there. Maybe she cost herself admission, lol, but as a dad I’m proud of that fiber.


^^^The “4 week theory” that I posited earlier in the thread. It wasn’t always the case, historically, but often enough to be a pattern.

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If it were tomorrow, wouldn’t portals be getting a little wonky by now?

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It’s still considered “early enough” in the week for the portal glitches to start. It could start later this evening or even within hours before a release.

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Have there always been glitches or other portal changes prior to a release? Or have some wave releases come out with no prior forewarning?

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From the years I have been here out of memory there seems to always be something. Maintenence Monday is not a fluke. I have seen “things” happen up to an hour before. Maybe Michigan has improved their process so we can’t even guess anymore… Lol. The last few years we also had some “insider” making us look look smarter (but we said that happended also). UIUC is tomorrow. Will Michigan join a peer Institution (engineering) or wait till the next week so some of the kids that accepted Illinois will be out of the running?

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It would be great if they both came out tomorrow, but that is probably wishful thinking. Speaking of portal changes, UIUC changed this morning. Very exciting, but also nerve raking. However, the CC thread for UIUC is not very active, at least compared to UMich, lol. So far no one there is dissecting the changes.


Long time lurker on these threads - had a son go through all of this in 2020. Back then he applied EA to COE, deferred, Hail Interview - alum never contacted him, sent in a LOCI and extra LOCI due to Hail Interview fiasco, deferred through 3 more waves and ultimately waitlisted. He got in direct admit to Purdue, UIUC and Wisconsin all for engineering. He goes to Wisko now and loves everything about his college experience! Now we have another applicant with Michigan as a top choice for engineering - EA and postponed to RD.

Michigan’s process is awful and so stressful on parents and kids. It is tough for these kids who put in so much work to rush in their applications for EA only to be postponed to RD with no clear timeline for a decision.

Kudos to UIUC this year for an orderly process with a clear announcement date that they are sticking to. I wish all schools would do away with the cloak and dagger approach of announcements, mysterious waves, portal astrology, etc.

But I guess if that happened the CC boards would have a lot less chatter. Good luck to all.


I wouldn’t use any absolutes, but ya, their “stuff” (the technical name for portal) would change or disappear, go offline, etc.

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Thank you for sharing your experiences. I am so sorry your son had such a difficult experience in 2020, but I am so glad he has found a happy home in Wisconsin! Best wishes and good luck to your applicant this year, and I hope we all find out something soon. I agree that UMich’s timeline of early April is not the same as having a clear date and time.

This makes it more difficult for our kids, especially considering many of them, including my son, applied back in September. In that, I feel we are in a similar boat. Specifically my son wants aerospace engineering. Admit to FYE Purdue, CU, UMD, (didn’t apply to Wisconsin), waiting on UIUC, postponed at UMich, and deferred at GT (ultimately withdrew from GT process).

Just as an aside, beyond all of the chatter on the forum about release dates, I will say it has been pleasant to speak with other students and parents throughout this process on this forum. It can be a good stress reliever as we wait together, and the community here is overwhelming supportive. Best of luck to all!


Glad your sons happy at UIUC. We are instate and many weren’t happy of the later release but at least you had a date… Lol. Glad your an is having a good experience at Wisconsin

Ha, lol, it’s been this way for years here. The students come up with theories and try to dissect the code pages and all. This thread seems to have been always pretty active. Just shows you the demand of the school. Hang tight since I hope good news is coming soon.

A high demand school, yes. But I strongly suspect the activity level on this thread would be considerably less if there were firm dates and fewer deferrals :smiley:


totally agree with your last paragraph Stephanie!

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Agree as well @Stephanie_Embree_Rob. If the UMich parents and students on this thread are any indication of the UMich experience, I really hope my daughter gets in!


hey everyone i know that a chance for tomorrow is so slight but sending good luck to all and hoping :pray: