UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Completely agree that it’s tone deaf. I applaud them for communicating much more clearly than LSA, but it was written by someone who is far removed from the stress of this time.

Several have posted that they don’t believe LSA considers Ross at all in their review- that they admit, postpone, or deny applicants based on whether they are believed to be qualified for UM. I am fairly certain this is false. Why? Because of one of the essay questions asks the applicant to write about why they would be a good fit for the school that they are applying to- so for Ross applicants, it asks them to write about Ross in their LSA application. Ross has their own essays and components, and UM could easily have allowed those to stand once an applicant’s folder was transferred over after their LSA acceptance. What all of that tells me is that LSA is, whether up front or in the back of their minds, making determinations as to whether the candidate in front of them has a realistic chance of being admitted into Ross. If not…I completely agree with you that UM is obsessive about yield. Decisions very well may be altered. (Btw, I am also aware that many students enroll having been accepted into UM and denied Ross…there very well may be an algorithm or something that tells admissions that those individuals are likely to enroll).

Is the above somewhat paranoid? Maybe. But why else would they ask you to write about Ross in your LSA application (and stil have a separate essay section for Ross)?

Perhaps because the author completed the writing and review process today.

That is my sentiment as well, fantastic for your daughter to get positive feedback.

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I was thinking something differently.

someone on reddit said that if there was a wave tomorrow it would just be in state people and that oos people will hear mid march? is that true?

would they really do that?- @sushiritto your opinion please​:sweat_smile::pray:

I’ll bite…If they stick to three waves as in the past, the latest for the first wave should be tomorrow in my by now highly convoluted mind. On the other hand, this may be the year where by April 1 may mean April 1, but that is such a bad day to pick…:slight_smile:

These were last year’s dates as already reported by @sushiritto : March 5, March 26, and April 1 You can check last year’s UMICH Class of 2025 thread to confirm. So while anything can happen and change, I would think it is March 4, March 25, and April 1 this year. Reading last year’s thread, it seems like people lost their withdraw application button the day of decision release. One person wrote that it went missing, and it came back later in the day. He/she was admitted.

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I’d love to understand this better. Could you explain a little about how CC and “modern day culture” have influenced your decision not to pull apps from schools you know you won’t attend?


Highly unlikely. They’ve always released both together.

Here’s my big “but” (pun definitely not intended :rofl:), two years ago, Class of 2024, when the pandemic began, I assume Michigan must have seen that their in-state yield jumped and their OOS yield tanked. So Michigan too very, very few in-staters in the RD waves. Obviously, the OOS’ers that cycle.

what would we say that the odds are on a release tomorrow? it would also make sense for one wave to be released sooner than later so that Ross has 3 weeks to review LSA first wave decisions before their March release

I didn’t remember 4/1, which was a Thursday actually. So, I went back and took a look. Yes, there were maybe a handful of acceptances, one was an honors acceptance and another was for International Studies, but I wouldn’t personally call it a “wave.” More like a ripple. :slight_smile:

As I mentioned earlier, it’s a possibility, and I certainly hope so, but the betting favorite would be 3/4.

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IIRC the HAIL interview confirmation page said decisions would be released on a rolling basis from February to April, so I wouldn’t completely rule out tomorrow.

That’s when it was on or about 2/1, 3/1 and 4/1, pre-pandemic. Last year, there were two major waves and then what I’d call a “clean-up on aisle 5” on Thursday 4/1, with maybe a handful of decisions here on CC.

Does anyone have any info about whether it makes a difference if you apply to lsa honors by the 1st or 2nd deadline?

if it will be tmr are we anticipating a big wave or a small, mostly in state one?

Ha, very true! I didn’t look in too much detail. Seems like March 5 and 26 were the big ones.

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As I alluded to earlier, a wave’s proportion of in-state to OOS will depend on their yield-to-date #'s for both. Of course, most here on this site seem to be from OOS, so we typically see mostly OOS decisions.

For a “normal” year, here on CC, we’ll see a mix of both, but predominantly OOS. Remember, if there’s roughly 80,000 apps, like last year, then like last year in-state apps number around 11,000-ish and OOS number around 69,000-ish. So OOS’ers get 6x+ the number of in-state decisions.

What’s interesting to note for those who don’t follow CA publics, the UC system reported a large increase in apps from last year, which I think was a record. For example, IIRC, last year UCLA received approx. 140,000 apps. This year? UCLA received almost 150,000 apps.

So, did Michigan’s numbers increase? Dunno.

It’s really feeling like the doldrums of college admissions right now. :slightly_frowning_face: