UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Sure thing! I’m in the same situation as your daughter haha. OOS and they’ve given me a big loan.

I’m sure it will be, especially when there will be a higher proportion of applicants without that asset. A 3 credit course for my son could meet for one 3 hr online lecture on Wednesday nights. And if a teacher had to cancel class for some reason just a video would be uploaded until the next week’s class. Even if he was extroverted and confident enough to make his presence known, it would be an uphill battle. It just is what it is I guess.

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I totally get that our experience wasn’t the norm. Covid made it so hard for these kids, especially during junior year which is such a challenging and pivotal year.


Yeah, I tried not to let my kid use it as an excuse because EVERY student was dealing with this in one way or another (some much, much worse than most of us). After his disaster spring term where he just gave up, we decided on a special Outward Bound expedition for a month during the summer to regain confidence and learn new coping skills and it was quite transforming. It was more difficult than he could have ever anticipated, but hopefully made for quite an essay!


That sure sounds like an an amazing essay topic!

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Early to mid April with a couple of big scholarship invites maybe coming out in mid March.


Good for her- that should signal to the school that she is a go-getter and that they would want her!

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Thanks! Sure hope so!! :pray:t3::pray:t3:

If today is the day, what time do we expect results to come out

Must be a Friday! :popcorn:



I completely agree. In the UK for example, university admissions is based on objective data - scores, grades with very little consideration given to elements of the application that can be manipulated (unverified ECs, “close contact” LORS, essays written by third persons). International applicants are often amazed that we run such a competitive high stakes process essentially on the honor system in the US, giving so much weight to “holistic” elements that can be manipulated vs data driven decisions.

Except there are a lot of kids who are incredibly gifted but don’t “look good on paper”. Such a system just ends up rewarding kids who can take a test without looking at things like creativity, ingenuity and emotional intelligence. I personally am grateful for holistic admissions. There’s so much more to a person than their scores.


Admissions is, and always has been a clandestine process. Scores and grades are for bragging rights for the schools. Theoretically if UM admitting GPA approaches a 3.9, then it would be rare for a college student to ever get a B. Grades and tests should be optional. Admit people, not numbers.

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…but which person is this practice evaluating? How well a third party writes does not make the applicant a stronger candidate


Is it possible that postposed candidates may get a decision today? And, if so, what time is likely?

Anyone know if historically the website shows indication beforehand if there will be decisions today? For example, a withdraw tab option gone?

I would disagree. I think a LOR can give insight and color to a candidate’s strengths. And they benefit kids who are able to develop relationships with teachers/adults - a beneficial trait for an incoming freshman.

I am a fan of holistic admissions. This idea of “test scores or bust” seems outdated and shortsighted to me. Scores, GPA, ECs, LORs should all be taken in to consideration. How much weight should be given to each? That’s for another discussion.


I don’t know. He had a great relationship with a math teacher, and a pretty good relationship with history. I want to assume both were very good, but the difference was his GC was not involved. He simply provided form emails and zoom sessions for his students as to how to go about asking for and securing recs. D’s GC guided her through the process, suggesting which teachers she should ask based on D’s relationships as well as the history of those teachers’ recs.

I feel the difference in this area for our kids is the volume of kids. The private teachers have MANY fewer students in the aggregate, so that the best teachers are writing less recs than the best teachers at the local public.

Yes, it is possible. Would likely be 3 EST, or thereabouts.