UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I didn’t say involvement is bad. It’s important for parents to be supportive but to take it personally as if their application has been rejected is unhealthy for themselves and for their children. And I’m glad to see you are reading my posts on Northwestern. It is important for multicultural clubs and organizations to get more awareness and for students who are of color to feel that there are organizations that will support them during their four years at the university. Do you not agree?


There are some colleges that are very stats driven and others that rely heavily on a holistic review. Penn State seems very stats driven. My S22 applied Oct. 30 and was admitted Nov. 6. The essay was optional (although he did submit one). I would guess they have a program set up where if you meet certain stats they admit you? It would be hard to see how else the turnaround was so fast. Other programs, like the UC schools, don’t even evaluate SAT/ACT scores. So I guess there is still a lot of variation out there in the admission process. With either approach, some students will have the edge over others depending on where they are applying and which part of their application is the strongest.


Totally agree!!

Good luck to all those who hear something today or even this month. It’s been a long wait especially for early applicants. So many kids can’t even have ‘senioritis’ and slack off because they work their asses off all year. It’s been a stressful year with so many changes. These kids deserve a lot of praise for their efforts.


The students select who the ask to fill this info out on their Common Ap. It is their choice for me to have this “influence” over their admissions decision.

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We are way off topic (UM) and I share some of the blame for this.

To this end, the last thing I will say on this topic in this thread is- the practice of ignoring objective credentials is considered discrimination in the workforce, therefore, it should not be acceptable in college admissions


You are lucky that she talks to you about it. Both of my kids wanted hands off for the most part. They didn’t want to talk about it. Now we are coming down to making a decision in the next month or so I told my DD that we need to talk about it and she needs to think about what are her top 3 schools. I think if she got into Michigan in January it would have been a done deal. She has gotten into six schools, deferred at two and waiting for another three.

Yes, i so agree!! These kids all deserve a few months of chilling before they fly the nest!! Personally i think for my S the process has been harder with so many friends getting in ED and EA and him getting deferred…but it is what it is. Hoping that these months of waiting will instill humility and grace in him (and me by the time i go through this again with my S2 in 2 yrs).


I’ve gone through it with three already. You will get calmer.

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Good luck to him. You are sending the right attitude to him.

My niece’s who lives in the UK has college offers that are all dependent on the score she gets on A levels which take place in June. She has Type One so the stress could cause her blood sugar to go way up or down. She gets extra time if she needs to adjust medication, but it’s frustrating her future is riding on this. Here the ACT/SATs are a data point that helps to level set across high schools.


Not sure why there is so much bashing of public schools. Posted way upthread was a list of the top feeder schools to U of M. Most are public. My kids go to public schools and I teach in one. My kids have great relationships with counselors and teachers, and the counselors do multiple check-ins with students per year to make sure they are ready for the college application process. I have great relationships and work very hard to create unique, sincere LORs for students who ask. Perhaps not every public school has this experience, but many do.


Thank you! This forum and you guys help me look (somewhat) calm in front of my kids!

I’ve been through alevels also with my kids and it’s tough when studying for exams
In both systems and waiting for
Decisions. Good luck! Wishing your family the best.

Covid knocked out a lot of talented kids

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I just posted about this as my niece is in the middle of preparing for her A levels in the UK. I think the system there is antiquated and based on a time when only the elite went to University. And they only get to apply to five schools. The good thing is the cost of tuition is low in comparison to most Universities in the US.

** Apologies if this is going off topic.

I disagree (that the UK solely focuses on scores and grades with very little consideration given to objective data). Not only do I believe they do, but there is a transparency in the UK admissions process that is absent in the US.

I follow several sites and see these types of posts often - it certainly helps frame a decision for students wondering why they were not accepted.


There’s not one person on here suggesting that objective credentials be ignored.

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Let’s move on from clogging the thread with UK admissions, or indeed any nonUMich admissions.


Agree - apologies.