UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Except for all historical precedent. If they intended on no waves (which would be the opposite of how they’ve operated consistently for years), then announce it. Just about every single other college that has changed their process has announced it to the applicants.

There’s literal (by April 1), and then there’s students studying how it’s always been done and expecting 1) to hear if that has changed 2) to see decisions if not. ALL it would take would be for admissions to send an email stating that in this particular cycle they are going to hold decisions for one release.

I understand the love for UM, but I’m perplexed at those who don’t understand that when the school has consistently operated in a specific way- and they alter that process without notice…that kids are going to be upset. In years past, UM ALSO stated decisions would be out by April 1 but released in waves.


thank you so much! the living spaces look nice so i wasn’t sure which was “the best”

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In frigid weather.

@skieurope can we shut this debate down? it’s taking away from the point of the thread


Good to know. It’s a real deterrent but d22 is not going unless she gets Ross and no interest in the living communities.

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We spoke to a bunch of kids on North Campus when we were visiting with my S a few years back. Small sample, but none of them really seemed to mind all that much. Maybe mostly an annoyance?


Much of the dorm housing stock has been rebuilt over the years, much of it is very nice newer accomodations, but for Mary Markley, Oxford & Fletcher. Essentially, it’s about the preeminent axiom of real estate: location, location, location.

South, East and West Quads are considered the Gold Coast of dorms.


Almost every post you’ve made has been contentious. A lot of judgement and zero empathy.


There are social media pages for accepted students to discuss dorms rentals roommates and everything about living. So it’s probably best to check those out to get a student’s perspective. The school also has a dorm/housing swap page. If you’re unhappy with your assignment (which likely doesn’t come until late July/early august) you can post your room on there and see if someone wants to swap with you. They usually suggest you do that before petitioning housing formally….


Empathy? For what? Kids not getting accepted EA? It’s awful, I feel for them.

I just got home and there’s no change to my portal. I’ll be sending you all good vibes and hopefully in the next couple of weeks all your dreams come true! Hang tough, my friends. We’ve got this!


Try not to get caught up in the dorm angst. You have zero control (unless you do Honors or a Learning Community) - they don’t ask preference and they are assigned in random order. You can be assigned late and get a “desirable” placement.

My current senior was placed in West Quad - “West is Best” is the chant you’ll hear. We were not impressed with the community. It’s newer, the rooms and bathrooms are very nice and it is a prime location, but his year there was no sense of community (and this was pre-covid). I think because of it’s central location, kids spend time out and about and they’re not hanging around the halls. Also, the way all the doors lock, between floors, hallways and even the bathroom, works against community building in those larger renovated dorms. Friends’ kids who were on North Campus or on the Hill, even Oxford had more typical dorm experiences with very active social lives inside of the dorms. I think because when they go back to the dorm they tend to stay there.

That’s just our experience - you’ll have people say the exact opposite and that’s fine - just threw it out there to say there are pros and cons to everything and there is nothing you can do about it now.


We’re finding that there are a lot of really nice new apartments near/on campus

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I was going to say something similar about housing. Each year on the Facebook parent groups, parents work themselves into a lather about where their child was placed, especially if it is on North Campus or in Markley. Every year, veteran parents tell them some of the best communities and relationships are built in those dorms. There is a sense of bonding that doesn’t always happen in the initially desired dorms.

Kids seem to take it in stride far more than their parents. There were issues last year with covid because the buses were working on a reduced schedule and getting to classes took more planning than is typical. But I haven’t heard any of those complaints since buses returned to a normal schedule.

Same with my son in 2017. Not huge community but one of the nicest dorms.

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Empathy for people who have a different perspective than yours. Empathy for people for whom this is a stressful process. Empathy for people with anxiety. Just to name a few.



My son liked North and did live on Central Freshman year. People just like to complain. It’s very quiet as I have mentioned before and different. You can meet lots of people on the bus. Not really a big deal.

A 10-15 minute walk in the cold from the Hill to Central Campus is no picnic either :grinning:

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I thought they had free shuttles