UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I don’t have the “switch app” option probably because I applied for summer initially

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also my withdraw button disappeared right now

lol i was rejected

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Ohh, I’m sorry that sucks! It’s their loss, always remember that! My DS still hasn’t heard…

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I really resonate with what both of you are saying. I’ve struggled with some guilt and regret over not doing more guiding during the application process or even earlier in terms of EC decisions.

We did the best we could, but I have been dealing with a very serious medical issue throughout my son’s high school career and it took a lot of the focus for both me and my husband. Once the pandemic started, our kids couldn’t participate in in-person EC options they otherwise might’ve because we were all trying to keep me safe and alive. Remote schooling for the entirety of my twin sons’ junior year also meant neither of them got to build relationships with key academic teachers in the way they really needed to. Communication and support from our school was also extremely spotty. Other than perhaps my serious medical issue, none of this was unique to us. But I feel like other parents somehow managed all of this in ways my husband and I failed at, and I now know some of the holes in my son’s college application that we could’ve/should’ve tried to help him address.

All that said, I feel like our son has learned a lot from the whole experience, and he is now better positioned for being more intentional and focused in what classes and ECs he chooses in college, and he knows a lot more about how he will approach grad school applications if/when he decides to do that.

And you are both right. They will all turn out fine. And even better than fine!


By a show of post likes, who still hasn’t received any update on their portal?


thanks for the breakdown, good information

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So very sorry to hear that. For what it’s worth, you were declined, not rejected. :slightly_smiling_face:


My friend asked me yesterday whether my waitlisted daughter would do the summer program. I responded that I thought that program was for kids at under-resourced schools. My friend’s son graduated from Michigan in 2020, the same year that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s son graduated. She told me that his son did the summer program and she speculated that he did not come from an under-resourced high school. I have been looking to find out more about this too!

Damn…I was hoping the fact that you did not hear meant that you were getting accepted. Very sorry that you endured this extra stress over the weekend to find this out today. Wishing you all the best.


Just speculation on my part, but I don’t think the Bridge Scholars program is ONLY offered to talented, students, who may have come from under-resourced schools. There could be other “diamond in the rough” type applicants from other (e.g., first gen) backgrounds as well.

Now is there another “summer start” program at Michigan? That I don’t know.

I believe all our CSU’s here in CA offer an “early (summer) start” program, but you must be admitted to the university first during regular admissions. It’s not a separate admissions track.

Nothing is more important than health! I think this is the nature of these forums - to provoke feelings of regret and inadequacy. But when I typed out the list of schools that DD22 has been accepted by - 7 out of 9 so far! That’s amazing, and best of all, we retained our mental health, humor through this process.


Are you kidding??? It was a freaken S-Show in my house for like 18 months, with 3 kids, 3 yrs apart, all with different schools and situations and challenges. Please, we made it through, we’re presumably safe, healthy, and happy together. Some people had it better, a lot had it worse. If my bratty kids know we all did our best, I’m definitely sure yours do too. Take care of yourself, it’s working out :heart: .


Thank you for this kind reminder and good word. I’ve been fighting for my life for 4 years and I do have to remind myself that as guilty as I feel about not being able to provide a “normal” high school experience for my kids, the alternative might’ve been them dealing with the death of a parent on top of everything else - and I’m mindful that, for many kids during the pandemic, this has actually been the reality. Retaining both physical and mental health is a huge accomplishment for any of us during these last couple of years. All of our kids are going to become a different kind of adult than those who graduated high school and/or college pre-pandemic. I’m hopeful that resilience, humor, compassion, and empathy will be a big part of what they lead with as they make their impact on the world in the future.


Thank you, annieland. It’s so easy to assume that everyone else somehow got things “right” during these past two years while we’ve been over here flailing!

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Thank you all for the kind words! It is kinda funny how I sent a letter of continued interest yesterday and the admission counselor congratulated me an hour before my decision came :joy:

Seriously? The admission counselor congratulated you over the phone or email? If it’s in writing, I think you should/could appeal the decision!

It was over email and I searched up if I could appeal, but sadly I can’t :frowning:

But I do think that they are making decisions on a rolling basis since I did send them the new information last night.

Good luck to you all!!!

congratulated on my accomplishments^^

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