UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Just my thoughts, and they’re based upon a limited sample here on CC, but I believe both are true. Higher yield AND more WL’ed applicants will be admitted than typical.

This site has always been dominated by OOS applicants to Michigan, but the 2/25 wave appeared to mainly (not all) drawn from the in-state pool. Plus, Michigan appeared to have steered away from their normal in-state feeder type schools, if I read the forum correctly. And the wave was quite small. The 3/25 wave was overwhelmingly filled with WL’s.

There’s always been at least 1-2 large acceptance waves, but we had zero this cycle.

I think Michigan has their in-state pool “dialed in,” for the most part, and may be planning to draw “bigger” numbers from their WL, but mostly from the OOS pool. Again, this is my theory, based on my reading of the forum compared to prior years.

It’s been a very strange year, unless the sample sets here on CC from prior years compared to this cycle has been totally turned upside down.


My D attended Zoom for Winter start Movement Science program and was pleasantly surprised. She went in not thrilled she was investing more time after postponement and then waitlist. However, she understands that this program means 50 more kids get to be part of program. There were 2500 applicants for 165 Fall spots! Faculty and students were impressive and gave detailed useful info. My D was super excited about all the first year class offerings. Won’t hear anything till May so need to move on for now.

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My daughter has the zoom call for sport management on
Thursday. Did they say how many were waitlsted for exercise science?

No- I wish I had asked! Did they tell you for Sports Management? They did say about 110 had accepted Fall spots so far and they didn’t anticipate needing to go to waitlist to fill the remaining 55 (historically they have not). There were only 28 kids on the zoom which I found surprisingly low. I would have thought anyone remotely interested would have made it a priority. My D left track early so she could make it.

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I just saw someone post on Facebook College Bound group that their son was offered a spot in the Sports Management Immersion January start. Does anyone know if offers are already going out? We are joining the info session tomorrow evening so will get more information about timing then but wanted to see if anyone has heard about offers already sent.

I am pretty sure that offers have not been extended yet. They haven’t even told the kids how to apply. We are joining the info session tomorrow also. What is Facebook College Bound group?

That is surprising that there were so few kids on the zoom call. Sport Management is tomorrow night so we will ask about how many are on the waitlist and how many already accepted for Fall admit.

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For those still waiting to hear from Ross, do you have one or two tabs (one LSA and one Ross) under Residency Status in Wolverine Access?

if i was admitted off the waitlist in june would i most likely be placed on north campus? or is there a chance of being put on the hill or central campus?

I said this upthread already, but my D was admitted EA in 2017, submitted her housing app early and wasn’t placed until around August 1st. And she got Central Campus housing. So, at least for us, the late housing placement didn’t mean that you’re automatically placed on North Campus.

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If yield is higher, why would it make sense that they take more from oos waitlist pool. They won’t take any of yield is higher than anticipated.

If yield

Because, IMO, both can be true. Yield will up with those who were accepted. And they’ll take more from the WL, because they intentionally planned on accepting a lot less applicants in this cycle.

Michigan planned to have a smaller class by 500 +/- students, but they also purposely “shorted” their OOS acceptances this cycle and will wait, or have waited at this point, for all the cross admits with the T20’s are “flushed out” of the system.

Those are just my SPECULATIVE thoughts. But tbh, I’m sure we’re all tired of this discussion, at least I am, and should just move on. The WL will unfold over the next 60 days or so and for those who have Michigan #1 on their list still, I hope you all get admitted.

I’ll be attending my D’s graduation in a couple weeks and we’re both gonna be real sad leaving A2.


That’s true, I forgot that accepting waitlist does not affect yield. However, a friend who is on the waitlist reached out to local admission officer who told him that they are unlikely to be going to the waitlist and he should find a different school.

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In state or out of state?

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I do just want to add that on last years waitlist thread, most AO claimed that they will not be going to waitlist this year. Eventually, though 62 is a small fraction, people were admitted. Just saying it is always possible. Not to mention those students committed to Michigan who are admitted off of other waitlists change the game again.

That’s what I’d say too, if I were an AO. I’ll bet they’re instructed to say that they’re unlikely to admit from the WL.

But, I did this exercise before at some point. You would have to go back to mid-2000’s (2007-2008, IIRC) for zero or no one to be admitted from the WL. I’m not saying it won’t be zero from the WL again this year, but it would be a first since the era of The Great Recession.

Now I sound like an old man. :grinning:


I’d also add that we’ve had a few CC members mention being admitted or being considered for admission to Summer 2022 or Winter 2023 starts, so those probably don’t affect the WL?

But Michigan is certainly admitting or thinking of admitting a few applicants and I’m not sure who those affect the WL #'s.

Anecdata: my D’s high school usually receives 6-7 acceptances each year. This year only 2 were accepted and a whole lot of them got waitlisted. GC thinks they’re being conservative and expects WL movement in May.

Of course, that’s speculation too. We’ll know definitively in a few weeks.

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I have two tabs