UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Decline them now, don’t wait if you know you aren’t going to attend. Give those the schools as much runway as possible as a courtesy to the process. Remember, there are students on those wait lists that are eager to attend.


I’ve got one who’s massively undecided right now. It’s driving me crazy. Yesterday, we spent hours coming up with sample schedules at each school so he could envision what his days would be like, the challenges etc. He was accepted for the five year dual degree for a Bachelor’s of Music/BA for cello performance and physics at UMich. This seems daunting there, especially when you add in two huge campuses, travel, a ton of gen Ed requirements etc. He has also been accepted into the same program at a SLAC (Lawrence University) where it’s small, personal and the dual degree is very well supported with a fabulous sense of community. The third is UVA as an Echols scholar which exempts him from all Gen-Ed’s, so he would have the room and flexibility to pursue physics yet deep dive into music on the side. All good choices! He waffles daily and has only a week left!


Harvey304 we are in the same position. Michigan dual degree program or basically the same program at two smaller private and smaller universities. Michigan SMTD seems really vibrant and the interaction with faculty has been very positive. The university is just so big and the program requires a lot of time on a bus traveling between campuses.

Yes, it’s such a dilemma! Obviously the music and physics are top notch at UM but the logistics of it make my head spin and I’m not thoroughly convinced DS can actually finish both even in 5 years. There are so many distribution reqs for the LSA and the two year language req. DS has had 4 years of language in highschool but no guarantee it’s comparable to UMich’s and if he could pass out of it. The whole dual degree would involve very careful planning and probably a lot of summers. Sounds like a grind andnot much time for anything else. We aren’t convinced it’s worth it.
Where else are you looking?

Which threads? The only one my daughter is waiting for is UM…

Well, at least your son can see himself at three colleges (and they are great choices). My daughter doesn’t see herself at any of the colleges she got into (and she got into all except two waitlists). She only wants UM.

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Oh man that’s hard! I think they kind of get tunnel vision about these kind of things. It’s easier with my son because he is totally practical and has resisted making an emotional commitment anywhere until he pushes that commit button. I, on the other hand, fell hard for the SLAC months ago….

DC is also considering CMU and Miami/Frost. All the dual degree programs have different strengths. I think the decision is going to come down to the wire.

DS also got accepted to Frost but we were under the impression that a BM/BA would be very hard there, though a double major with a BA could be done. CMU looks like it has a realistic program. DS looked at that one too, though at the time, he was interested in CS and that looked really difficult to do or get accepted to even!

UCI and SLO are two I’ve personally seen kids get off the waitlist in the last week.

Would any of you know how to view CSS Profile Summary that shows the efc? I’m not seeing anything on the website, just my application and not an award summary.

I have faith your D will get into the January start program!!! Looks like kids will find out sometime between mid May and June 1st. Would be so nice if it was before the 5/1 commitment date but I don’t it. Keeping my fingers crossed for her :crossed_fingers:


Anyone know if school guidance counselors can contact UM regional AO and explain how much the student would commit or go there if offered spot from waitlist?

I thought this video by a 2019 Ross student was great insight into the UM admission process. He reports that after contacting the admissions office and being allowed access, he took notes on his application and typed them up. Then presents in his video. It’s much of what we’ve read on this thread from other reports. In his case he has 3 reviewers (rather than 2) and illustrates the wide range of scores they gave on their perception of his activities and essays.


Is this common to offer January start dates to WL applicants?

It happens every day. But how much good it will do this year is questionable.

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Thanks for your good wishes! Did your daughter decide? Will she be applying to immersion program?

I can only speak for Kinesiology school. They’ve allowed about 50 kids in Sports Management to do a January start in the past. This year they are also allowing about 50 kids in Movement Science to do the same. These kids go to school through the summer and are all caught up with the ones who started in the Fall by the start of next school year.

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My daughter did opt in. She loved the course offerings and the program seems well thought through. She’s excited about where she’s committing in the meantime so not sure she would accept but I like that she is keeping an open mind. I hope your daughter can get excited about one of her current choices - she has some good ones even if not Michigan. I am betting on things coming through for her though.

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Someone posted on the Cornell thread that he got accepted from the waitlist last week.