UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

:slightly_smiling_face: I know, it was a very tough decision.

thank you so much! and thanks for all of the helpful comments! itā€™s still a surprise ending to myself :sweat_smile: definitely having second thoughts but i was going to have second thoughts about my decision no matter which one i chose - michigan will be a lot more work to get the dual-degree in 4 years than it wouldā€™ve been at the others but hopefully it will be worth it in the end

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thank you!! i am still surprised myself to be honest :sweat_smile: i did like it on the visit but in the end i think it wasnā€™t the best fit for me since iā€™m pursuing a dual-degree in business and cs and their cs isnā€™t the best - the environment of the school, and wharton specifically, didnā€™t quite feel right either. honestly, the best school academically for me wouldā€™ve been UCB because their EECS and business are both so phenomenal, but mom felt like the SF area was not safe enough and too far from FL!


that makes me feel better about the schools i turned down - iā€™m definitely happy iā€™m going to umich because itā€™s what iā€™ve always wanted but itā€™s definitely been an adventure having to repeatedly answer why not wharton, duke, ucb, or gt over it - although if i had gotten into harvard my parents definitely would have made me go :joy:

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Wow, congratulations to you. You wonā€™t regret it. There are more opportunities then you think.

Have a great summer and Go Blue!


Congrats. Harvard for engineeringā€¦ Uh noā€¦ Which engineering major?

Committed to Michigan Engineering but got the email about Cornell engineering waitlist today. Any thoughts on whether I would regret not looking into this potential option?

Definitely look into itā€¦ Both are amazing schools but Cornell may open more opportunities for your career.

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In what way?

Thank you so much! I think the biggest reason Iā€™m still second-guessing my decision is because I never got to do a campus day for Michigan, but did for my other top schools. Iā€™m sure once I get there I will love it! Go Blue!

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Last 3 school Presidents for Cornell came from University of Michiganā€¦

What is your major?

Explain? How?

Mechanical engineering

Deposits are up means - I am reading and understanding as deposits are due at this moment. They are counting enrollment deposits right now. This is the way I decode it.

My son and his engineering friends graduated last year. If you need more information pm me or ask questions. Lots of opportunities for mechanical getting jobs/internships out of Michigan. They all had jobs early.

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I think ā€œdeposits are upā€ means deposits are tracking ahead of expectations and yield is up, not that up = due.


Thank you so much. Were they able to get summer internships even after freshman year? Also, to me the biggest issue is the travel to North Campus (and no, I do not want to live there) How did they find this every year? I know freshman year its not that big of a deal since there are only two classes, but what about the next three years when itā€™s freezing outside and they have to wake up extra early to take ten minute busses to class?

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So getting an internship first year freshman summer is tough but doable. My son took classes that summer since he had a minor and certificate and wanted to get ahead. He was also selected to the Michigan Badger leadership Institute. Michigan paid all expenses back to campusā€¦

Several of his friends were doing research. Some at Microsoft and some with other companies. Sophomore /junior year is more the norm and yes they all did. My son did an engineering study abroad in France then flew directly to Israel for an engineering internship there. This helped land him an international engineering job. This was sophomore year. Junior year he had an awesome internship until the pandemic shut it down. He did Six Sigma instead which also helped in getting his current job

Companies are looking for Michigan students. It has international exposure. Be active on campus and do well in classes and you should be fine.

So my son lived in West Quad first year on central. 8 minute walk to classes. But worked all 4 years on North campus. So he took the busses there for work and like 1 class. ITā€™S just NOT a big deal. We live in the city of Chicago. Taking a mass transit train to a bus then walk 2 blocks to school 40 minute each way is the norm!! So taking a 10 minute bus is like saving him time compared to what he was used toā€¦ Lol.

He lived on North his next 3 years and walked 10 minutes to classes. His friends some lived on Central but still had to bus to north for engineeringā€¦ Lol. So you will be using the bus system one way or another. Itā€™s part of growing up and being an adult. Plus back in the day like just before the pandemic, you met lots of people on the bus and waiting for the bus. Itā€™s a social thing not like a jail sentence. They actually run more frequently now.

Michigan has tons of opportunities. You just have to look for them. Join activities on campus. Companies like active students. Itā€™s hard building a resume for internships when one doesnā€™t do anything but studyā€¦ The professors /school are there to help. Use them to your advantage. Good Luck.

I have one kid at Michigan Engineering and another in COE at Cornell. Feel free to PM me any of your questions.

There are some distinct differences, but from a career perspective, Cornell will not open up any more career opportunities than UM will and the cost is generally the same. Michigan also costs more once you hit junior standing. My son will be starting his sophomore year at UM but is actually a junior by standing and his tuition is going up 6k this year because of it. I think it may actually wind up being higher than my daughter at Cornell.

Re your comment about traveling to North Campus at UM - my son barely had any classes up there. It is not a big deal at all. Also, at Cornell, ALL freshman live on their North Campus, and their Engineering Quad and Collegetown (where all the fun is) is on the South End of Campus and is a hike downhill from the dorms, so you either have to take a bus or walk far in the extreme cold so that is a wash with Michigan and not something I would use in your decision. Cornell sophs have to live on campus beginning next year as well and that would be West Campus which is straight downhill from campus so similar issue but a little closer to Engineering.

Depending what your major is, internships freshman year are difficult no matter where you are, but to be honest, Cornellā€™s career advising for Engineering blows. My daughter was lucky because she had guidance from her sister who is at a school where their guidance is incredible and she advised her. She still has friends with top grades and resumes without internships this summer (theyā€™re juniors). ME is a really difficult program there and hard to get internships Iā€™ve seen, but not impossible. A lot of people say to rely on alumni and reach out to them. Lots of stress so if you canā€™t handle that then itā€™s not the place for you. She loves the school, loves her friends, loves being around smart people. Doesnā€™t mind the big classes. Is graduating a semester early and then beginning her MEng which will take 2 semesters. One in Ithaca and then one in NYC. Her classes (other than English) have all been taught by Professors. This is a big deal. Also, they donā€™t take as many AP as Michigan and summer school is difficult to take anywhere else. Need permission.

As for UM - my son loves it. It has the big sports. Some kids have trouble getting into their classes. So far he hasnā€™t. Heā€™s had some small classes. He has had no GSIā€™s other than a discussion for Liberal Arts class. Otherwise all Professors, which is rare from my understanding. There are tons of clubs to join. Some however are competitive which is annoying. Similar at Cornell as well. He had a great year, felt his HS prepared him very well. Housing there after freshman year in apartments is a disaster and expensive but same at Cornell (but more options in Ithaca and better that sophs have to live on campus now at CU). Easier to travel to. He will be graduating after 3 years, plans on doing the SUGS program which will enable him to get his MEng then in the 4th year. Internship access is 100% better than Cornell. If he had been graduating next year he would have had an amazing offer from a well known company but as it turned out they didnā€™t know he was not graduating and on the offer call had to then tell them they couldnā€™t offer it afterall. He instead has an internship in Israel for a Real Estate company.

Socially theyā€™re both different types of schools too, but there is a lot of partying at both as well. Different types of partying.

Again, feel free to message me any questions but I think I covered a lot.


My D just graduated. Her off campus lease runs thru July, but I would just say that our off campus housing experience after freshman year was relatively simple and easy. D18 found some great newer apartments near Central Campus for about $1,000/month. She has her own bedroom and bathroom.

Now contrast that to San Luis Obispo, where D21 attends and you share bedrooms and bathrooms in old houses and apartments for more than $1,000/mo. Thankfully, SLO now has a 2-year housing guarantee.

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