UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Wondering When did they start/close WLs for LSA last year?

And will they send rejections only after the WLs are closed?

I can only see people that post here on CC and I don’t remember anyone posting that the WL was closed. The typical website language is that everyone on the WL will hear an answer by “the end of June.”

Officially, the timing of the two annoucements, WL closing and rejections, are usually contained in the same notification. Unofficially, the closing of the WL must have to precede at least a few days prior to the final “WL is closed/rejection” email from admissions.

I have friends in the waitlist so I have followed this.

Last year the first acceptance off waitlist was June 24- it was a small amount. I copied this from your post last year regarding when people posted acceptances off the waitlist on CC.

Class of 2024: Thursday, 4/23/2020 (Covid)
Class of 2023: Saturday, 6/08/2019
Class of 2022: Thursday, 5/24/2018
Class of 2021: Wednesday, 5/24/2017
Class of 2020: Tuesday, 5/22/2016


Just saw this message on Reddit:

umich waitlist woooo

hey hey i called umich admission office abt the waitlist and the rep said they’re still determining how many spaces they’ll have available for next year. she doesn’t have a specific number am but i would like to think they have some space since it’s mid may and they’re still sorting things out… idk if
that helps anyone else stressing abt the waitlist but it’s definitely an update! good luck to everyone!!!


My son got off an engineering college waitlist two days before the May 1 deadline and an honors college waitlist days after the May 1 deadline. I guess I was thinking that we could be sure he’s going to be a Hokie in the fall. But I suppose we should hold tight.

I know someone applying to SMTD that was on the WL and did get an email that it was closed on 4/29. However, it could be major specific within SMTD.

Treat the wait list like a miracle waiting to happen.You should all be getting excited about the school your currently accepted to. If you get off the wait list then awesome. It’s not going to be many people. If you get off. Then it’s a miracle. :grin:

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My son is all set going to Michigan state honors college of Engineering (computer science) but slight hope for that miracle to happen.

Msu honors engineering is a great program. Congrats on that…

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Our son accepted Penn State Schreyer Honors College. Never say never but we do need to move on.

Congratulations! Shreyer is very impressive — possibly the toughest honors college acceptance there is. The application is a bear. Your student should be really proud of that accomplishment!

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Thank you!!! We are in state Pennsylvania so it’s saving me a ton too!



Not gonna lie, that honors application for Penn State was awful. My daughter decided it wasnt worth it. Lol. She said " hard pass" lol. And put the effort into writing wssays for scholarships amd so far it paid off.

She is attending UM. She recieved the Penn State Provost award. Wish we could gift it to you to use! We wrote them a while back in hopes they would reallocate to someone else.

All the best to you all. I def agree with KnowStuff. From experience with first kid who.didnt get into Michigan, and was not called off the waitlist, put your energy into the univ. You are accepted to now. If not it will take that much longer to acclimate in the fall.



Im a umich student who is transferring out of the university and I have a contract with an apartment building that I am looking to lease to someone else now. I’m assuming some new transfers in this thread would be looking for housing options. The apartment building is called The Standard in Ann Arbor. Its a newly constructed building with a lot of great amenities. Message me if you would be interested in taking my place at the apartment building.

Has anyone received their housing assignment?

Unless it has changed this year, housing assignments don’t come out to July and August.

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Housing assignments are sent out via email beginning in June thru mid-August.

(sorry, @CCName1, I responded to you accidentally)

There is actually a Michigan Transfer thread. Post in there.

Thanks @Knowsstuff.
Any specific advice to make best out of comp science college of engineering honors program at MSU?

Use every source available to you like professor hours,Grad TA sections, Math and science labs for help. Peer Study groups etc. Keep using them and then see how your grades are. Engineering is tough. Very hard. Falling behind and procrastinating can be the difference between becoming an engineer vs not. Time management is key