UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Yes. Most do. Our HS guidance counselors are very, very specific with this and hammer it over everyone’s head that they must withdraw within 24 hours. The only reason not to would be in the case of aid information not being posted (or aid not being what they had expected). Sometimes you have a kid wait an extra day or two- selfishly- to withdraw, but I sincerely think most students who would be competitive for UM are going to be cognizant of their need to withdraw if accepted ED. This was a much bigger issue in 2019 and prior when Michigan’s EA announcement came on the heels of ED1. Now, it is in between 1 and 2 and I would assume most students will have pulled by RD time.

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How would it help their yield? It would only lower their yield because all of those kids are going elsewhere. Their yield from that group would be 0%, or maybe 0.5% if there are someone in state Michigan kids who can’t make their ED school work financially. They absolutely want them to withdraw before giving them a decision so they don’t lower yield numbers.

It’s possible that they include them when reporting their total number of applications at some point, though.

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Our school is very strict about it and will remind the students multiple times to withdraw, but in the end it is an honor system. You are supposed to do it immediately, but there are always those students who pretend to forget just to see where else they would have gotten accepted.

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I logged into enrollment connect and saw this. Before today at around 2pm I only had the FA ‘22: LSA Undeclared application on there, now I have two applications. Does anyone know what this means?

Looks like you submitted a summer 22 application today. That’s how I read it.

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Weird, the only thing I did today was going on the LSA general application for scholarships. Maybe I messed up and filled out something incorrectly on there.

Besides my personal information this is all I filled out. Hopefully this doesn’t screw up my application… kind of stressing

thank you for this - you win CC forums today - gave me a good laugh and now is stuck in my head! good luck to all!

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I had read that LSA scholarships (4 year) are not open to apply for until you are admitted, is this then incorrect if some here are filling it out or am I misunderstanding? Thanks!

That sounds true, I was filling out the general application. I’m really nervous that I messed up everything by doing this but maybe I’m just being delusional.

I think it will be fine. :+1:

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@pc0421 Remember I posted about the Summer Bridge Scholars program a few pages ago?

I wonder if that’s it. I don’t want to get your hopes up, but unless we see a slew of these posts about SU '22 here and you’re one of the few, or the only one (post), then hmmmm. :man_shrugging:


That would be super exciting and a great opportunity for me as a first gen student. I’ll just expect something normal but have a sliver of hope :crossed_fingers:


Ding, ding, ding! We MAY have a winner. But please don’t hammer me, if I’m wrong. I’ve been wrong before.


I agree that this may be a summer bridge acceptance


I guess this only applies to LSA ?


Should people apply for scholarships before getting accepted? If so can someone please post the link for the general app? Thanks


Michigan Admissions also tweeted out a pic of The Cube on 1/28/2021, a day before they released EA decisions last year on 1/29/2021. Coincidence?

