UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Thanks so much. Good luck to you too!

You all have a lot of decisions you are waiting for, such an emotional rollar coaster. Maybe better that way though, if there is a mixture of acceptances, postponements, and whatever

 My son is only waiting for U of M acceptance. So if it is a postponement there are no other decisions to “buffer” the emotions. You have all mentioned amazing schools. We are in state and we really encourage our kids to apply in state only. That leaves MSU and U of M for us. You probably don’t see this or hear this on this thread a lot. I have learned a lot from all of you and appreciate the thread. Good luck to everyone! I agree with @Knowsstuff and @sushiritto , most kids end up where they are suppose to be. If for some reason they don’t, there are opportunities to transfer. I have one more after this, in 2 years. Then what :wink:


Congrats to your daughter. Hope it all works out

Thanks so much @Knowsstuff!

@MonkeyDo For the record, my D21 only applied to in-state (CA) schools.

D18 applied to 3 OOS publics: Michigan, Colorado and Washington. The latter two we considered safeties for her (she’s not a CS/Engineering major).

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Anyone see the post on insta 35 minutes ago?

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They are all such teases!! Why can’t they just be more transparent?


They really seem to be enjoying “this”. (With “this” being torture.)

Checking at 5pm just to be sure lol

guys not to stir the pot or whatever but u of m liked a comment on their post asking if decisions come out today
 either they are sadistic and enjoy torturing us or we are in for a happy little surprise hahah


I saw that too

And as it is this is by far the active thread

I think Michigan may be taunting me again. Tuesday at 5:00 PM EST? Hey, I’m happy to be wrong again! :smile:


Have they ever taunted before?

I only see a post from 6 hours ago. Did they delete it?

it’s not on the admissions instagram, it’s on their main account

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I think they’re doing it a few days before the release date bc they posted the same emoji last year (:calling:) 3 days before decisions. Just saying :woman_shrugging:t5::joy:

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Ahh, got it. I did see that one but chalked it up to being a reference to Mr. Brightside (the song they play during every football game). Maybe it’s a sign though. Fingers crossed!

Yes, tongue-in-cheek, of course, back in 2019, when I said “only Wednesdays and Fridays” and they released on a Thursday. :man_facepalming:


Wow, then rlly hoping it’s today!!!

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