UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

My son’s school did the same. Sent mid-year report to all of the schools he has applied to except for the UCs and UW.

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I understand what you’re saying but I am concerned with the fact that they always said late january and they’re still saying that when we have already entered late jan. They just refuse to let us put our worries away and give us a systematic date and time. This way all kids will 24*7 stay hooked to their gadgets waiting for that email. Even the friday is an assumption we made from past records. Isn’t it kind of a flaw from the university’s end that they haven’t made an official announcement for a specific day and expect us to just stay lost and keep wondering what their meaning of ‘late jan’ is. Anyway, complaining is no point cause it’s clearly not helping.


I agree they should have announced a specific date like most other colleges do.


Selective Enrollment school in the city?

It is super frustrating.

Well the probability increases with each passing day as late Jan approaches. As I said, technically they can go till the 31st, were they to keep their word, which unis always do unless there are unforseen circumstances


They probably have a rough date in their mind as to when they want to release decisions. Once decisions are ‘processed’, they have a date for sure, so it comes down to a courtesy mail letting us know the dates

Have the same question

No, although those are some awesome schools! Private school.

agreed. especially for international applicants that stay up to check the portal

Why you waiting? You basically can turn on the lights in this room and then leave and get some Starbucks. :grimacing:

Took a break from homework. Playing chess now as a distraction!


My son went to Northside College Prep. Know all about the Chicago privates etc…

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Try the Scotish Gambit on white :four_leaf_clover:

Yes and no. Yes, the speculation is not their fault (I always say that in the absence of information, people make stuff up). But, by not announcing a specific date (as many other schools do), it adds a lot of stress from kids (and parents!) at a very stressful time. Even if they don’t know the date early in the fall, they could have said a week or 2 ago (or even today!) that decisions will be released on X date (as UIUC recently did). I’m sure it would also reduce the number of times they have to respond to emails/chats/phone calls giving out the same vague information so it’s to their benefit as well.


Yes, that I agree. (as I said in post #1878 above)

Sorry…I see several others have made this very point (to which you agreed). I’d delte this comment if I could figure out how. :grinning:

No problem :slight_smile:

I’m still LSA undeclared but probably going to do BCN!

dont know when decisions coming out there either