UMich Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

I got the buttons but I’m not going to get my hopes up

If u see those buttons why don’t you use the chrome debugger to make the button visible and execute a click?

Wait for a week or 2 and find out instead of speculating

no buttons yesterday but this morning they are there. Anyone not have them?


I have both the buttons y’all are discussing, but am almost certain I will be rejected, so I wouldn’t put too much stake into it

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same :neutral_face:

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I highly doubt any college changes the source code depending on status, more than likely there is a query that will access your decision and show those buttons as necessary. That’s a much more efficient way to do things programmatically. My guess is the people who don’t have it, aren’t looking in the right place for it.

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i just checked and don’t see it

Go to the portal, right click on windows or two finger click on mac. Find inspect or view page source. On that page, click control+f or command+f depending on computer type. Then type in #admitreplybutton or #finaltranscriptbutton. You should see them

I checked to see if the #admitreplybutton is present in my source code and sure enough, it is. However, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I don’t believe this means anything. I have a 3.3 UW and 4.12 W going test optional so. Take this source code stuff with a grain of salt.


I thought LSA previously indicated that their decisions would be issued no later than Friday, March 26. Is this correct?

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I don’t believe I saw this anywhere

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I’ve not seen this anywhere, but hope you’re correct. At least this way the wait will end.

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Nope they’ve stood by the “early April” & admissions told me they wouldn’t post a specific date.

on april 16th we need a ross rejects groupchat to see who also has to scramble for roommates for their backup school

I second this motion.

I can’t find and understand this whole source code. How Can I view it?

I am using a Mac. The two finger click isn’t showing me these options.

When are the results? 26th or 5th?

What browser are you using? I’m using edge, and it shows me “view source” and “inspect”

If you’re using safari, then you won’t be able to see the source code. Use chrome or something man.