UMich Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

perfect, thank you so much!!

So are we speculating that there will be an LSA wave tomorrow or is it more likely that it will be closer to the first couple weeks in April?

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I hope its tomorrow


Does anyone know what percentage of deferred students are usually accepted?


Deffered is the same as if it was regular decision. They just look at it again, so the percentages are the same.

This was a helpful link that showed me to find the source code! I am using a Mac with Safari but it shows you how to find it with different browsers too.
I found both buttons but don’t think they mean anything lol.


I feel like everyone has both buttons.

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Have you guys seen any other indicators indicating if you got accepted or not. I noticed that a lot of people are stating that the source code trick doesn’t work but I was wondering if you guys no of any other indicators that Michigan uses? Thank you so much


I don’t think there are any that we know of honestly. Apparently they changed the portal this year so it no longer shows one of the indicators that people were using even just last year. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Good luck!


Sorry I know that nobody knows for sure, but what do you guys think the percentage is that they release decisions today?

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Hey guys I just make a online poll for everyone to share their results on those view source code stuff. Below is the link

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Honestly I wish I could tell you but I really don’t know

Wish Everyone good luck


California native here. Attended UC San Diego a long time ago. Currently live in Dallas area. Kids in Texas drool over UT. It’s an auto admit for the top 6%. Austin is a very liberal area, and UT is a very, very large school. The weather is difficult to adjust to. The spirit of the school is amazing and the academics very challenging. It is also a pretty expensive area relatively speaking, but there are plenty of opportunities there post-college. My son is not a fan of the weather so did not apply, but he did apply and also got into UC San Diego - we see it next weekend. It’s a very heads down school - we have a friend’s son who currently attends there and the joke is the SD in UCSD stands for “socially dead”. Academically it is a very challenging school and there are lots of great opportunities in San Diego and California in general post-college, though it is very expensive to live there. I personally don’t know enough about UMich other than it’s a highly ranked school with a lot of school spirit.


I got into Michigan a couple of weeks ago and was shocked. I go to a family camp every year called Camp Michigania for Michigan alum, (though I’m not a legacy because my parents didn’t go, my aunt and cousin have gone). From going there, they’ve told me that it was the best experience ever, everyone is super friendly, smart, and do have a lot of school spirit. I personally think that it is the perfect “college vibe.”


is anyone here a deferred EA applicant? is there any chance for us to still get in or did they do that wave on 3/5?

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Does anyone know when UMich will their release RD decisions?

Today at 3pm eastern time. (Hopefully)


@Mvolleyball21. There is still hope. My son last year went from deferred EA, to waitlist in March and acceptance in April. He is now a happy freshman in AA. My next son is on the same path so far - deferred from EA. Still hope.


key word “Hopefully”

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