UMich Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

I’d take it with a grain of salt but it appears that for the people who did not have the button did not get in. Again, its all speculative so I wouldn’t get your hopes up but if its true thats good news.

Also, last year the regular decisions were released last week of March, so hopefully the same is true for this year!


My son has all those buttons. I’m hoping for 3/26 too but feeling less confident after calling admissions. I called & said several schools originally stated they would release by April 1 but have since posted on social media a specific release date. I said I’ve looked for Michigan but haven’t seen anything & wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. He mentioned the early April again and said they would not post a decision date - applicants will know by receiving an email to check their portal when they are released. I asked what early April means - by April 14th, April 7th? He said very likely before April 7th.


I have both admitreplybutton and finaltranscriptbutton in my source code, but havent heard back yet. I am a transfer student with 3.8 if this helps anyone

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How are you finding this? Where do I put the #admitreplybutton in?

where do you find the source code? Sorry I’m terrible at this stuff

In the source code of the page, right click anywhere and then press “View Page Source” next Ctrl+F “admitreply”

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I’m assuming everybody has the same buttons but out of curiosity, I did check if we had that financial transcript thing since @hawkeye721 mentioned it and decided to see what would happen if I entered that and we do not have that. I only mention that because we did not apply for financial aid so it’s meaningless in that regard, but if everyone’s page had the exact same thing, then I would’ve thought we would have that too but regardless I still think everyone does have the same admit thing and same payment button thing.

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Thanks for checking and posting to get more feedback on this. Out of curiosity did you type in financial transcript or finaltranscript? Because I have not applied for financial aid yet and still have it.

ugh so dumb, financialtranscript, lmao…thanks for the headsup…i will check again

YEP! We have finaltranscriptbutton , so much for that!


Cool, thanks for double checking.

Either I’m thinking everyone has these buttons or we all got accepted. CC is a small sample size of people who most likely care about their application so the later is definitely possible


I also have both those buttons

Ugh, nothing here so upsetting

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I have those buttons too! I hope its a good thing hahahah! Fingers crossed to all of us

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Don’t worry friend, I would not read too much into it :slight_smile: you are doing great so keep it up!!


Damn I have both, likely means nothing, but still nice to see


UMD is not like that

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Buttons are just part of website code, which can be activated and deactivated regardless of the decision. From last year’s UMich threads, even applicants with the #admitreplybutton, #finaltranscriptbutton, #paymentbutton, etc. were ultimately waitlisted/rejected.


I have all the buttons and considering I was rejected from Georgia Tech and waitlisted to Northeastern, I wouldn’t put much stock in it. Regardless, doesn’t really make sense for them to store information like that in the source code of the website. That likely just reflects the website’s ability to show those buttons if necessary.


i doubt it would mean anything, if at all. Do not read much into it, as the buttons seems to be for everyone. best wishes and go blue (orange in heart but -)

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i got the button!