UMich Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

It’s my understanding that the withdrawn button disappears on the day of decision release?

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I guess me 5, though I doubt it’ll come out today…probably just preparing the portal for decisions release tomorrow.

We’ll see today at 3 EST.

Yeah, hopefully they come out, and the wait ends…I’ve been waiting since October man

I hope it’s a clear acceptance or rejection. No more wait, please.

Yeah, if I get waitlisted, I am done…I will happily decline and attend UCB

Hi :slight_smile: I think it may come out today given that Friday is a holiday in some parts of the US. But let’s be optimistic and calm regardless of when it comes out.

Ohh yeah…I forgot it is Good Friday…high chance for today then.

best wishes to u all.

It’s Thursday in the US
Friday for us lol
Edit: Realized that tomorrow might be a holiday so yeah it’s today

You too, and everyone else too

Friday for us too…tomorrow is an holiday in the states(Friday), so it’ll probably be today or with Stanford otherwise(highly unlikely that they delay it that long)

Yeah. All the best to you and all fellow applicants!!

It’s not interesting at all to get a waitlist after being deferred for so long.

It is actually frustrating.

I applied in August. If the waitlist final decision comes in late June or early July, it’s like waiting a whole year to get a final rejection.

Lol I was JUST going to say my withdraw button went away but y’all beat me to it !

You prolly got an indicator right?

Ohh man, if that happens to you, the wait will be super long and frustrating. Just wondering, if you get Umich, will you commit or you already have a better choice/are waiting for Duke, Ivies, and or Stanford? The question is directed to everyone reading btw.

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My son’s disappeared last Friday and he was accepted. Then later that evening there were a bunch of things that were different in his portal. A pay enrollment deposit in that far left column under “Action Items”, under “Messages” he can browse admitted student events and engineering events, along the bottom in bigger yellow wording it says resources for newly admitted students, and finally his withdraw button we noticed came back. He has 14 options under that far right column. I think at one point there were 12. The new ones I believe are “Request a Deposit Waiver or Extension” and “Defer your Admission”. The deposit btw is $300.