UMich Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

no because everyone has this button regardless. I had it and got rejected

Idk if this would be helpful, but around in January I received an email saying to send an extra essay for continued interest and I got accepted. Don’t know of everyone received one

Did anyone get an invitation to the “Leaders and the Best” panel? Is it exclusive?

I did

I did not receive anything you all are talking about. I’m crying a river now.

No! Please don’t. I really didn’t mean to make anyone stress. Have you received your decision yet? I think this only for admitted students. Upon reading the “withdraw application” indicator drama, I was convinced I would not be accepted. But I was! Please don’t base your decision, worth or future on indicators. Everything will work out!

Thank you for being so kind. I was deferred from EA and haven’t received a decision yet. It just has been too long in this waiting game, experiencing all the drama during every decision wave, being happy/sad for other people, but getting nothing for myself. Predictors are toxic but I just cannot help to care. I don’t know what will happen to me this Friday, allegedly the final wave, and it’s a bit hard to stay calm you know…


I applied in the RD round.
I got a LOCI notification on my portal.
However, did not recieve any email asking for additional information.

Did all RD have the loci thing in portal?

I did but I didn’t submit it, would that hurt?

I did not submit it either lol

hey i’m new to this thread but is fridays wave only for people who are considered international or does it include some domestic students as well. i ask this because i’m a us student but had to apply as international cuz i’m not a citizen. also what is the acceptance rate like for international students?

This Friday’s wave should be for everyone.

A response from an email I sent to my admissions rep said decisions from waitlist won’t go out until late June. Does anyone know if this is true or just a way to gauge who is really interested in the waitlist? Most schools will make the majority of waitlist decisions in May/early June but not sure why Michigan’s would be so late. I just posted this in a waitlist group but wanted to add it in here if anyone has any comments or is curious when they will start really looking into the waitlist.

I just posted this in a waitlist group but wanted to add it in here if anyone has any comments or is curious when they will start really looking into the waitlist. A response from an email I sent to my admissions rep said decisions from waitlist won’t go out until late June. Does anyone know if this is true or just a way to gauge who is really interested in the waitlist? Most schools will make the majority of waitlist decisions in May/early June but not sure why Michigan’s would be so late.

What time on Friday are we expecting decisions to be released?

3pm ET

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Will decisions come out today? I see the Withdrawn Button has disappeared in the portal.

omg me too!

Me too!

me four!