UMich Fall 2023 Transfer Thread

Rejected, School of Nursing . 3.93/4.00 college GPA. Everyone else waiting, keep your heads up!

If it provides some data to future people, here are just my stats:

Graduated from a competitive HS in CA Bay Area
3.98 UW, 4.33 W GPA
35/36 ACT
10 AP exams taken with 5/5 on 8 exams (including bio, chem, etc), 4/5 on 2 exams.

OOS Private 4 year, attending with regent scholarship, bio major
4.0 GPA 1st semester, 18 credits taken
currently taking 17 credits with 4.0/4.0 so far.

Rejected fall 2023, asked to update my term.

So if you get rejected as a transfer you can apply to transfer again the cycle after?


Has anyone heard back about the two year renewable scholarship?

Still waiting omg

Hopefully they release decisions soon :sob:

This link not working for anyone else?

Everyone should hear back by tomorrow I think. I believe they don’t go past the first week of april but I could be wrong. I also am waiting for the two-year renewable scholarship! I sent an email to the LSA scholarship coordinator. She said that people who received the scholarship will hear back on or before 4/15.

Okay thank you!

College GPA (BU): 3.68
Toefl: 101
2 Letter of Rec
Two graduate courses
(International student)

Major: International relations & Economics

Has anyone else not received an admissions decision yet?

We attended the admitted transfer student day today and we were not terribly impressed - thankful he already knew enough to be committed. My student’s statement upon leaving: “that makes me not want to transfer, but I can’t stay [where I am] because I have no housing and no classes (he skipped housing selection and course selection).” That said, we have had other experiences where a tour guide can leave a negative impression, and I try to lead my kids past that, but the whole day was underwhelming

On another note, if you are considering transfer, keep all of your syllabi and course work (tests, papers, quizzes, assignments)- it will help with transfer evaluation if your course is not already on a list. My student is transferring from an out of state university that does not send a lot of transfers to Michigan so he has lots of paperwork to accumulate/submit.

What did he not like about the admitted transfer day?

The tour guides and student panelists were all transfer students but not the usual tour guides that are trained by the admissions office so that part was pretty much a waste - we couldn’t hear, the information was superficial and some of it was incorrect. The general info session was pretty good and we got some new information but they allowed personal questions that should have been deferred and then never got to the last part of the presentation. The support services fair was done in the same room and it was difficult to move about and see who was there.

It was more of an orientation - “these are the things you need to do to be successful here” - and less of them “selling the school” like you get from admissions presentations and the other admitted student days I’ve been to. It lacked that excitement.

If you go, know that they tell you it starts at 9 AM but that’s just registration. There’s nothing to do until it actually starts at 10. And lunch is not until 2 PM. I should add this was just for LSA.

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Did you get a decision today?

For the scholarship^^

Anyone know when on-campus housing results come out? I applied right when it opened and haven’t heard anything back.

Congratulation! Were all 63 of your credits transferable?

Hello, I want to apply as a sophomore next year for CS major. What will improve my chances of admission? Should I declare it in my application or declare later? Also COE or LSA which one has better chances?
I am In state student, currently going to top 15 CS University OOS.
