umich in the summer

<p>Hi, I'm going to be taking calc 2 over the summer and I was wondering if you think it's worth the extra cost of taking the class here in AA as opposed to taking it at a local university, which would be considerably cheaper. I'm not going to be doing too much for the first half of the summer in terms of vacations but I don't want to be bored in Ann Arbor taking classes while my friends at home are having fun haha. How is the atmosphere at Michigan during the summer (spring semester)? Is it fun and easy to meet new people to do things with? Would the extra cost be justified by the potential benefits, or should I just save myself the money and take the class at home?</p>

<p>Also, if I was to stay at Michigan, I'd probably take a spanish class too, to get the requirement out of the way.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for your imput!</p>

<p>Spring semester in Ann Arbor is great. The weather is usually pretty good and the atmosphere is more relaxed than fall or winter terms. It is also easy to find a cheap apartment to sublet. I’m not sure how easy it would be to meet people during spring term because there will not be many new people on campus so I wouldn’t recommend it for incoming freshman unless you are of the outgoing type. Probably staying at home is a better value. Summer term in Ann Arbor is pretty quiet but there are summer activities like art fair in July.</p>

<p>It’s great during the spring, but definitely helps to know people that are also around. If Calc II is just a requirement you’re trying to get out of the way, it isn’t a big deal taking it at a local university. If you have strong grades in your other classes that are relevant to your postgraduate plans, it will not be looked down upon.</p>