UMich Winter 2024 Transfer

Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted to transfer to UMich for Winter 2024!

I’ll be going abroad and am looking for someone to live in my apartment next semester.
Here are some details about the apartment:

  • The apartment is fully furnished with onsite laundry facilities
  • My roommate is pretty chill and she will be staying there throughout the semester. She has a lot of friends and is part of multiple clubs, so can definitely introduce you to many people!
  • Monthly rent is $990, but willing to be very flexible - as low as $750!
  • The subletting process is very easy, just filling out one form
  • Can be a shared room for 2 people (full-size bed + big closet)
  • 3 min walk to the heart of Central Campus!

Please feel free to reach out if interested at I unfortunately can’t include photos here, so please reach out and I can send you the info!

Anyone still waiting on CoE?



If anyone is on the waitlist to live in the dorm- my son is planning on moving out of south quad. We need someone to take over the contract through housing. Please let me know.

So happy to hear your daughter’s transition as a transfer student has been so successful. My first year son is hoping to transfer from his current university as a sophomore as well. He was waitlisted this past spring (along with so many;-)), but UM was really his dream school. I am curious to which school your daughter transferred into and what that process was like for her. My son is interested in the sports management program in the School of Kinesiology. Any tips, tricks and wisdom would be most appreciated!

Thank you!


I just sent you a message about her experience. Best of luck to your son!

Thank you so much! Your daughter’s post was very helpful and I have shared with it with my son.

All the best!

Hi! I am a freshman and applied for Winter Housing, but haven’t heard back yet. If I do not receive dorm housing, it is likely that I will take you up on this offer. Is there a better way to reach you (email)? Thank you!


My son is interested in transferring into the School of Kinesiology’s Sports Management program as a 2nd year. I am curious if anyone has had success in doing so and can offer any advice. He is currently at a UC, but without a sports management major or any sports to speak of so he’s not finding it a good fit. He had applied to UM and was waitlisted and ultimately rejected, but it’s still top of his list for so many reasons.

Thanks in advance!

is anybody still waiting? are they still making acceptances?

I don’t think they’re sending out any more acceptances because the date to submit the deposit and secure your place is dec 1st!