UMich Winter 2024 Transfer

still didn’t hear back

Has anyone heard from CoE yet?

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Still waiting :frowning:

still waiting

:sob:im afraid of rejection

My withdraw button disappeared!

any update?

Rejected :cry:

46 credits

Oh no why!!!

Probably extracurriculars we’re lacking :cry: or essays I have no idea

What were ur ECs?

They like to see more completed and transferable credits like close to 60 ,but no more than 60.

Are you sure? That’s a very narrow range.

I was accepted this morning with 78 total credits. Nearly all of my courses are business courses and will only count as departmental credit. Credits may be one factor in admissions but it’s not a deal breaker.
GPA: 4.0
ECs: very good. including president position and internship
Essays: I put a ton of time into them and are the best essays I have ever written
OOS 4 year university

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■■■ thats surprising

Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted to transfer to UMich for Winter 2024!

I’ll be going abroad and am looking for someone to live in my apartment next semester so please feel free to reach out if interested. I can’t include links here so DM me on instagram @g_block24 and I can send you the info!

Got rejected fr too many credits probably :frowning:

I am not certain, but according to the college confidential transfer forum, most students were rejected due to having too many credits or not having enough credits also credits has to be transferable at least most of them.

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anyone still waiting? Coe?

I am.