UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Same as IxGLS

@ thedarknight9

I was offered the opportunity to interview, i was also given a list of 10 different dates and i was asked to choose my top 2 choices by January the 20th.

@ doctor2b

Don’t freak out, all will be fine.

@ tianqi5

Yes, i am instate. I am not sure as to if they are doing in state students first and then OOS students second. I also am not sure if they are doing it based off of last name either, although if i had to GUESS i would say that they were

Yes, i am instate. I am not sure if they are doing instate first and OOS second to be honest, sorry. I doubt they are only because my last name is close to the end of the alphabet.

My advice to all who have not heard back is to remain calm. Kansas City was hit with a fairly bad snow storm last week, meaning that there is a chance that they have been slowed down a little bit.

If you have questions and need to call UMKC-SOM Ms. Kelly Casper can help you with just about anything - shes pretty much the nicest person you will ever meet.

Heres the number i sound for them off the website “816-235-1870”

Just keep in mind that they UMKC-SOM is very professional and organized, so chances are if you have not heard back from them then please don’t think the worst - they most likely have not forgotten about you, you will hear from them, just give it time. Also keep in mind that they are probably getting a flood of calls, so only call them if you feel that it is completely necessary.

Best of luck to all of you,
If you have any other questions, ill do my best to answer them.

I heard from a current direct medical student at UMKC that if you are accepted, you will have to take entrance exams including general chemistry & english. These are supposed to be EASY and I believe not taken into account in the admissions decision. There are also supposed to be 2 short answer questions that are taken into consideration for the admissions decision also.

Another thing: I heard that last year, about 950 applied, 350 got interviews, and they accept 50 in state, 25 regional students (Ill, KS, Iowa, etc.), & 25 out of state students.

Apparently there are 2 interviews? Usually with physicians.

actually 100 get accepted. 50 OOS and 50 in state.

i emailed umkc med over the summer and they said there are 200 out of state applicants, 400 in state. they said 100 out of state and 200 in state interviews; 20-30 out of state accepted, 100 in state accepted

doctor that sounds spot on.

…so i called and they said they are still sending them the notifications…but when i asked if they were sending the notifications based on priority or last name they said they cant tell…lol

hi there! is anyone who are oos (for umkc som ba/md program), got an interview?. pleeeeeease let me know.
congrats & good luck to whoever got interviews. thanks

Does any one of you know interview questions which they will ask in the interview time in UMKC? Any links? - Thanks

they’ll probably ask “Hi, how are you?” at the beginning

and probably “why do you want to do medicine”


I got an email from umkc som for interview. yes I got it… I am from KY. they asked me to pick the date for an interview. now need to prepare for it. any tips for interview. please help.

I’m OOS(NY) and received an interview today, but don’t worry they are still giving out interviews

Be ready for some tough questions! I had some ethics questions that blew my mind… Just answer what you really believe! They don’t want you to be fake.
I was also asked what kind of magazines I liked to read, and blurted out People and Us Weekly without thinking :slight_smile: but I made it in, so it wasn’t that bad!!

hey everyone, I just got my notification from UMKC-SOM of my interview date. It looks like they have a sheet attached to the email that is sent and there are some important topics outlined in yellow, make sure to throughly read over it.

Can someone who is actually further along in the six-year B.A./M.D. program please tell me what are the actual benefits of it are compared to a traditional 4+4 program? (I’d be an out-of-state resident so total cost isn’t a benefit, it’s actually a downside for me ).

So far the only thing I’ve seen is not taking one test - the MCAT.

With respect to clinical exposure to medicine and patients early on - all medical schools now have some type of early exposure to patients.

The only benefit of going to UMKC is that you’re done in 6 years.

You’ll end up with more than 100K debt, graduate from a pretty low-ranked medical school (anyone who says otherwise plz show me a ranking list that has UMKC’s name in it), and I don’t think you’re going to be getting any internship/research experience because you’re booked taking classes all year.

If money isn’t an issue, going to UMKC might be worth it. If money is a big issue (as it is for me), then UMKC probably isn’t the best choice.

Oh I’m a HS senior, not UMKC grad sorry. Just my input from what I’ve researched about them.

“You’ll end up with more than 100K debt”

sorrry I meant 100K more than if you were to do 4+4 at another med school (on average)
Total UMKC debt would be 400K which is insane

Thank you enemyunit. Forgot the six-year part as well, assuming you don’t extend. In the grand scheme of things, I wonder if graduating in six years (2 years earlier) gives you any real advantage in the residency match, with respect to matching in certain residencies.

$56,000 annually is a lot of money, heck even $48,000 annually in Years 1-2 is a lot of money. Does anyone know how well is UMKC’s financial aid?

Even for in-state, Mizzou (UM-Columbia) med school is $23,724 vs. UMKC is $28,724.

Financial aid isn’t really the best… Med students can’t receive general scholarships (they don’t want to give a half or full ride to someone who may change their mind in a few years–they want to make sure you’re committed). I’m in state and only received bright flight. My roomie is oos and didn’t receive any aid. The med school has some scholarships, but they are really based on financial need (and some other factors I’m not going to go into).
As for the research, they actually have a lot of opportunities! If you’re planning on doing a BA in something like chem or bio, you can’t build research into your schedule. Also, any student can sign up for research projects throughout their 6 years (you learn more about these and how to contact labs in your first year). I’ve met several people who have been doing research for two or more years. One of them was even published!! So just a little more insight… You will be busy, but there is still time to enjoy college life (trust me, there are people who enjoy it a little too much) or do a little extra–it’s all in how you manage your time!!!