UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Hey everyone! I am currently a Year 1 in the UMKC 6 Yr program. I have been reading through some of the comments and have a bit of advice!

“THankins, look at that site. each semester in the undergrad, you’re taking 4 classes max, just like any other undergrad student”

I can tell you that from the Fall semester and scheduling the next 3.5 years that doctor2B’s perspective on the course load is a little off. You will be taking more than 4 classes each semester. During fall semester alone, I took eight classes (Anatomy, Anatomy Lab, Spanish, Soc 2, English, Med Term, Basic Med Sciences, and Fundamentals). This spring I will be taking seven. This is pretty typical… Most people I know take 20-21 credit hours per semester. It is a lot of work!

“only difference is that you come in for a summer semester…to take a WHOPPING two classes in one semester.”

Summer semester isn’t like your typical semester. Fall and Spring are 16 wks, while summer is shortened to 8. So yes, you’re only taking two classes. But, it is in a much shorter period of time! Just keep that in mind–you’ll definitely have free time, but it won’t be like what you’re used to.

“so yeah, 6-year programs aren’t nearly as awful and insane as people portray them to be. in fact, it’s almost exactly the same as a traditional route, but only 2 years instead of 4 and the addition of 1 summer semester of just two classes.”

No, the 6 year program isn’t the same as the traditional. Starting day one, you’re taking graduate level courses. So in all reality, you’re in med school for 6 years instead of 4 (it’s just spread out and combined with undergrad). You also have 5 summer semesters–not one! I don’t intend for this message to insult doctor2B, just to give the perspective of a current student.

This program is pretty incredible if you know how to take advantage of it. My biggest piece of advice is to do a B.A. in something rather than the BLA. (I’m doing the BA in Chem) It’s been shown that students who take this route have higher board scores (which could help with residency placement!)

If anyone wants to talk more, feel free to PM me! Hope notices of the interviews come soon… GOOD LUCK!!!

Thanks for the insight!

So, has anyone received an offer to interview yet? Tomorrow would be the last day of the week and, would they send them all out then?

I have not received anything either. On another thread someone said that they called UMKC school of medicine earlier in the week and they were going to extend offers to interview a few days into the week…I really hope we hear something tomorrow.

such disorganization and incompetence for a less than amazing program/med school

In Years 1-2, the main focus is undergraduate coursework. The only exception to this is Biochemistry taken in the Fall of Year 2 and Human Structure Function I, II, III in the Spring of Year 2, which are medical school basic science courses taught at the medical school level. Because of the way the program is structured, these courses also count towards requirements of the Bachelor’s degree.

In Years 1-2, along with your undergraduate courework, you do take courses required by the School of Medicine, but they would hardly be classified as “graduate-level” in terms of content. The only thing that would classify them as “graduate-level” would be the category name of MEDICINE before the course number. These courses are mainly a basic introduction to the world of clinical medicine and are to get students accustomed and comfortable with patients and taking clinical histories, etc. These classes are graded on a Pass/Fail basis.

[University</a> of Missouri - Kansas City : Medicine](<a href=“]University”>
MEDICINE 9110 - Fundamentals Of Medical Practice I
MEDICINE 9115 - Medical Terminology
MEDICINE 9119 - Learning Basic Medical Sciences

MEDICINE 9120 - Fundamentals Of Medical Practice II
MEDICINE 9210 - Fundamentals Of Medical Practice III

MEDICINE 9220 - Fundamentals Of Medical Practice IV
MEDICINE 9221 - Hospital Team Experience

I would say the course descriptions from the link, make it seem a lot bigger in accomplishment and expectation than what it actually is in reality.

Applicants who are MD-only students, and apply like most premeds, enter in Spring of Year 2 of the program and thus bypass the Biochemistry course as well as the above Medicine courses completely.

Just got an offer for an interview :D!!!

I’m assuming that if we didn’t get an e-mail today, that means we didn’t get an interview, right? :confused: did anyone happen to call today and find out more info?

Breaking Dawn: did u just get a notification that u were invited to the interview or the actuall time? and where are u from?

Aleisha: When i got an email telling me that the interview notification would go out…it said “STARTING” Jan. 4th, but when i called monday that day from california they said they r gonna START sending them out end of the week…so don’t get too sad…i didn’t get one either…but i have the hope i will cuz it said START which means that the “end of the weak” is not a strict time period…

Yeah, don’t worry guys…I’m assuming they’re sending them out in batches. The email did say that if we didn’t respond in a timely fashion, our interview spots may or may not be given to someone else. Make of that what you may.

Just got an interview. In-state! I know a few people in the program so I’m really excited.

I also just got offered an interview. It was an email that listed about 10 to 15 dates and asked me to reply with my first and second choice.

They have to be done at UMKC, and cannot be done by phone, therefore I have to pay for my airfare down there. Also they are all weekdays, but I am sure I can get an excused absence.

Breaking Dawn, are you in-state? Do you think they have only done instate interviews first?
Or could they have sorted it out by last name?


CAN you guys do those who didn’t a huge favor…Can you email them and ask if all the emails for those who are to be interviewed all sent or are they still deciding and emailing…? So basically was friday the day that anyone who would possibly get an interview the only time to be notified or are they sending it in batches?

UMKC will respond faster and “better” to those who got an interview cuz they are potential students thats why im asking…

To those of you that haven’t received notice of an interview yet – they put out notices in batches. I found out about my interview the first week of January but I know some that were still getting notices the first week of Feb. Don’t worry! You’ll get notices soon enough :slight_smile:

to those that have gotten notices, what dates are you choosing?

thanks for the post MaJaHa, i can stop freaking out now

Here are the interview dates offered, in case anyone is interested:

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010
Wednesday, January 20th, 2010
Monday, January 25th, 2010
Wednesday, January 27th, 2010
Thursday, January 28th, 2010
Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010
Tuesday, February 9th, 2010
Thursday, February 18th, 2010
Monday, February 22nd, 2010
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

The email asked us to list our top two choices by January 20. I’d presume that means you’ll get an email by at least that date.

why are my dates slightly different from yours?

i have Feb. 11th and Feb. 16th. The rest are the same.

OOS vs IS fianchetoo possibly?

g35x, which dates do you have?