UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I still haven’t gotten anything in the mail yet, but I’m wondering how all of you out of state people are going to pay for this program? It’s so expensive!

oh and congrats to everyone that got in!!

I got in as well! I’m instate. Also join the Facebook group if you were accepted. And any guys looking for a roommate let me know!

I just made a Facebook group called UMKC School of Medicine Class of 2018. Message me if you were accepted to either program or if you’re on the alternate list and I’ll invite you. I’m Ryan Sieli.

I got placed on the alternate list :frowning:

I got accepted! I was wondering though, how do we know the results of the toledo chemistry assessment? it didn’t say anything about it in my admission packet…

r u instate medschool30 or oos?

Well, if it did not tell you that you have to take a chemistry class then you are all set. :smiley: It means you did well. right?- to medschool30

Accepted from Pennsylvania.

Accepted from California! :slight_smile:

@desigirl23 I am from Arkansas so I am a regional resident!

@samiio yea that is what I assumed that if they don’t say anything in the admission packet then that means I passed :smiley:

Received a large envelope today! Accepted! I am from OOS!

I was put on the wait list, does anyone know how many people usually get off the wait list for oos?

Hey, I’ve also been put on the waitlist. They said that some years they barely get through the list while other years they get more than halfway through. It just depends on the year.

I was wondering if the waitlisted or rejected people got small envelopes? Is it true? I thought it was just a rumor.

Yep waitlisted and rejected ppl get a small envelope w/ just the letter.

hey folks…i am looking for ur help with admission to the prog…I am a regional and have pretty decent stats in academics.
What xtra curr should I do? I am in a HS in KS side of KC.
any leadership ideas wold be awesome. Did I mention that i am a junior…lol

I would be applying later this year for 2013 fall. I am so lost with so much grey!!!

Hey 2013 kids! You are Smart, competitive people who are interested in applying for this highly selective program. :smiley: I used to be in your spot, but not anymore. I used to think, “oh boy, I really need to look special in the midst of all these super applicants. I need to stand out and yada yada yada.” Usually, I felt I did not really have a chance. I am not highly intelligent at all. In fact, Im one of those kids that work really really hard to keep up with looking smart. Well, i used to…until the past two years. But now I have to pick up the slack. ANYWAY, I just think whoever wants to apply needs to do it. No fear! The worst they can say is NO. :] So, many of you want to know about stats. Well let me break it to yah, IT AIN’T ALL ABOUT STATS. Stats are like makeup…they make you look good. And the interview is like…the natural you. YOU HAVE TO LOOK GOOD. In a personality type sense, you know. As all the other peeps have been saying, show your passion for medicine early. On the application, they have a million and one spots (ten) for your medical experiences. At first I panicked but then I remembered I DID have those experiences. Just not 10. Just make sure you indicate your interest early. And early does not mean senior year only…So I got in the programo and I am living happily ever after. :slight_smile: I am just waiting for my handsome prince charming who will also be a doctor.

Any more questions? I’m excited to answer! :smiley:

So you have to list out 10 medical experiences on your application for UMKC?