UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Anyone here from the Feb. 20th interview group? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m from that interview group!!

please answer my question :slight_smile:

i know yall are nervous bout your interview but I really need some help and want to know what it takes to get to the interview stage from the people with the experience
:slight_smile: thanks and hope yall will help me out :slight_smile:

I got an interview with a 31 act composite coming from a regional state. Beef your extra curriculars, get clinical experience, and work on your recommendation letters.

@123bruno: Sorry for totally ignoring you! Make sure you try to raise your gpa. 3.9 on a 5.0 scale is a little on the low side for this program. Nothing that a little hard work can’t fix though! Kind of hard to say for you since you haven’t taken any standardized tests yet, but when you do take your ACT, aim for a 30 and you should be good. And your ec’s are fine, but definitely try to get involved in more medical-related activities. This is EXTREMELY important. Do the above and write a solid essay and you should be in good shape! Being instate is going to help you out a lot. Good luck :slight_smile:

@naseemalammar: HAHA maybe we know each other. I pm’ed you :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks a lot dreth7 and farmboarpig! I will try my best :slight_smile: And good luck to everyone who is interviewing :slight_smile: Hope yall make it :slight_smile:

what are your stats@dreth7 @farmboarpig?

Class of 2012 match list:

[Match</a> 2012 : Office of Student Affairs : UMKC School of Medicine](<a href=“]Match”>

In retrospect (as I graduate this year), I am happy I went here. It was a good it for me and I endd up matching into what I wanted and where I wanted. That is just my perspective.

Either way, good luck to everyone in their journey.

Does anyone know how competitive this program is to get into for out of staters?

Decisions for UMKC came by mail yesterday 3-30-12. I did not get in. : (

Stepfordwife, are you instate or out of state?

I’m out of state and received my decision today.

I got in. :smiley: I am so happy. I am a 7 year program kid. Is anyone else? Maybe we can room together. :slight_smile:

So, i am guessing you made it? :smiley:

Received my letter today in Illinois!! :slight_smile:

Received my acceptance letter to 6 year today. In state St. Louis add me on Facebook (Ryan Sieli) if you were accepted as well.

Hey! I’m in state too, and received my letter yesterday!

I got in!!! Six year program, and I’m instate. Now I need to find a roommate so if you’re a girl and in the program, make a profile on ■■■■■■■■ asap! :wink:

So,what do you guys think of the seven year students? I guess we are not really in the program yet…but it is guaranteed admission. Like, we have a year to do whatever we want before going into the program.

The only bad thing is that the kids I interviewed with won’t be my classmates for this year. The next class will be, though. I don’t really mind. This first year will feel like a gap year. And it will give me time to adjust to college life. I have no idea why they only have ten instate kids for the seven year program.

Is it like probation? What is the idea behind this?

I mean. Im happy I got it. Some people did not even make it. i’m curious about what they were thinking when they made the seven year.