UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program










@UMKCRoosMD and @HopingMD

I want to stay out of this, but I must agree that UMKCRoosMD’s last post proved beyond any doubt that he is not an adult, that he is no way a MD, that he is getting his jollies fooing people on this forum - look at the last paragraph of that post, “I’m still laughing out loud at you…” that clearly is not an adult, let alone a MD writing. Obviously UMKCRoosMD is a kid, a fake, he is clealry not an adult, not a MD. And yes, he must be laughing at the people he fools with his lies into believing his lies that he is doctor.

HopingMD, you convinced me, well actually UMKCRoosMD convinced me by his actions, he showed that he is as imature as you, that he is a 17 year-old kid or younger.

Ok everyone, we are all warned and have the evidence about UMKCRoosMD being a kid, not a real adult or doctor; now let’s go on with our lives, enough from both of you.

The next one to talk about this is a immature jerk - dont let that be either of you two!

I’m not in this fight, thank god, but I think it seems to be more and more obvious that @HopingMD might be a fake, or if not a fake, at the very least is try to psych out other BA/MD applicants. For someone who allegedly has a 36 ACT and a 2380 SAT, he seems to make a lot of spelling errors, incomplete sentences, uses words that don’t make sense, like using the word dribble, when I think he meant to use the word drivel. Just FYI, when you type in all caps, in Internet speak that means you’re shouting, which isn’t really a sign of maturity either.

@AdVitam, the reason I believe @UMKCRoosMD said he was laughing in his last paragraph is bc @HopingMD sarcastically said he was sooo knowledgeable bc he had just 18 posts, while @HopingMD himself only has 12 which would make him less knowledgeable than that. Also, just bc someone is a physician, doesn’t mean they don’t laugh at others, etc. just like every other human does. They’re human beings with flaws just like everyone else - they aren’t special. Also I didn’t understand why @Hoping MD says he knows nothing about medical practice, match, residency, medical billing, medicare, etc. when that wasn’t even talked about.


Thanks, I am not in their “tizzie” either.

I hear what you are saying @roentgen, however, you seem to be taking only @UMKCRoosMD’s position. I told both of them that they were immature. Yet your doubting only @HopingMD as real and for the reason of typing errors seems a little one-sided and jumping to conclusions to me! Perhaps @HopingMD has poor eyesight, perhaps he or she was using a cell phone (I make tons of typos on tiny keypads), perhaps he or she was upset - there are many of possible reasons so I do not see how you can so quickly conslude that only @HopingMD may be fake, and at the same time you never once raise a doubt about @UMKCRoosMD.

In fact you go so far as to always defend @UMKCRoosMD, even giving what you believe the reason is for his saying why he was “laughing at” @HopingMD. (Some argument that doctors can laugh at people, well of course they can, but this looks and sounds like two kids fighting, @UMKCRoosMD is clearly not acting mature enough to be an adult or a MD (more about that later). Excuse me, but you seem extremely biased. So your words leave one filled with doubts. Please look at “both sides” of all issues. I am looking at both sides and I see two immature kids fighting.

I am not on “sides” and I read and re-read all these posts and I conclude:

(1) Clearly @HopingMD is behaving like a kid, he or she shows immaturity and lack of control seen in kids, that is obvious!

(2) But, @UMKCRoosMD is NOT behaving like an adult, not behaving like a doctor! He is showing immaturity and lack of control seen in teens. i know, I am a teenager. As for Doctors being regular people, yes they are not gods, but no wonderful, helping doctor who is practicing meedicine gets into fights with a teenager and goes wild and attacks the teen! What is the point? If @UMKCRoosMD is really a MD, then why fight a 17 year-old? What he does not understand, becuase he is a kid, is that if he really were an MD, then he would be held to a higher standard of behavior than a 17 year-old kid is held! For example, I am a teenager, and I am held to a higher standard than a 3 year old.

I get called “doo-doo head” by a 3 year-old little kid. But do I stand around and yell back at him that he is a “poopee-face?” No! If that little boy send me a note with bad spelling and handwriting, do I type out a missive to respond or do I ignore him? I ignore him, I sure do not write back and tell him off that I was “laughing out loud” over his stupidity! That laughing comment was childish by @UMKCRoosMD and no excuse can change the fact that such childish behavior shows him to be a kid also, that is not an adult, not a doctor. Actions speak. Again, I would not launch a written fight against a little 3 year-old kid, there is no reason, I am older and more mature, I have more important things in my life than the stupid, childish thoughts in a 3 year-old’s head. Actions speak.

If @UMKCRoosMD was really an adult, really a MD he would not have gone out-of-control with a 17 year-old, it just does not make sense! Clearly, he is a teenager also, and faking being an adult, let alone an MD. And he must be “laughing” at those he fooled with his words of “advice”.

So, I do not believe anyone should take his advice seriously or believe that he is anything but a teenager playing games. Why? Because he acts like one! And he clearly laughs at people, so all of you out there; do not let him laugh at you!

As for HopingMD, he is a kid, and I see no reason to take his advice either, but then what does he know, he is also a kid.

Bottomline, do not believe in any “advice” given by either UMKCRoosMD or HopingMD, they are both just kids.

Please let’s go on to new things like who all is interviewing? I am curious about the EC of all you and how many? Have 150 people already been notified? There are about 109 slots, so I assume UMKC with interview 300 people (I am speculating, I am a teen and I do not know, sheesh). So let’s hear for other high school seniors (not old men or old women), how many oss? Regional? Any word on financial aid?

We’re just going to have to agree to disagree on @UMKCRoosMD as far as going out-of-control. If someone accuses someone else of being a liar, most people don’t take it lying down. In the hospital, for example, if you’re accused of something, no matter how low that person is on the totem pole and you don’t address it, people tend to assume the worst which can affect you badly later. You can’t just say, oh that person is a nobody so I won’t say anything, bc a lie can get around quickly. Saying as HopingMD did to him that if you respond back, then it proves what I am saying that you are what I say you are, isn’t really fair or logical, but like I said we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this. Thank you for being cordial.

The reason I believe @UMKCRoosMD is real is bc he has mentioned things that you would only know if you were actually in the program. Up until the kerfluffle with HopingMD, the advice being given by @UMKCRoosMD has been quite accurate. I’ll give you two examples of where he was accurate: the Science GPA requirement and the huge change in the curriculum with Structure Function. The reason I know is bc in my docent team on Hospital Hill when I was a Year 3, my senior partner who was a Year 5 was the very first class to have to take the Structure Function course which combined a lot of separate courses into one. The Year 6s were indeed the first class to have a required 3.0 Science GPA to promote and then they changed it to 2.8. There is no way @UMKCRoosMD would have known all these inner workings without attending the school.

I also think it was very cool of @UMKCRoosMD to post up the UMKC Residency Match lists here so that future applicants can see for themselves where UMKC students usually end up in residencies and see if they notice any patterns: <a href=“UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program - #3933 by UMKCRoosMD - Multiple Degree Programs - College Confidential Forums”>UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program - #3933 by UMKCRoosMD - Multiple Degree Programs - College Confidential Forums. The questions he has answered so far, including @spmo96’s question is also accurate. Let’s not take every correction of information on CC as a personal vendetta or trying to put someone in their place. And I’m done now talking about this.

By the way @AdVitam, you have really good stats, is UMKC the only accelerated program you’re applying to?

To answer your question - The UMKC BA/MD FAQs link says they interviewed approximately 320 students last year, and they said that the incoming class will be 110-115 students. <a href=“”>;/a&gt;


I have good stats, but I am also able to solve problems and work out problems, that is why I got published. I do not blindly accept things.

I thought that I was fair to both @UMKCRoosMD and @HopingMD, they are both kids, and no one should listen to either one if he or she tries to give advice.

I still believe you are biased, so we must disagree. As for hospital people being called a liar, I also must disagree with you, and so would most medical school interviews - this is where @UMKCRoosMD proved that he was a teenager, no way a doctor, no way an adult.

Everyone - assume you are interviewing at Brown, Hopkins, UMKC for a Multiple Mini Interview, you go to a station, and enter the room, there are 2 people inside, an actor and the interviewer. The actor is angry with the hospital or something and is hostile. You are a MD in this situation. The actor calls you a liar, says you are not a doctor, that you are a fake. Ok, now assume you are to respond! Everyone here that is applying to medical school knows what to do! Would you blow up at the angry person, yell that he is a fake? Would you say sarcastically that you “laughed out loud to yourself” over his stupidity? Well, that is exactly what @UMKCRoosMD did! Come on everyone - would any of you act like @UMKCRoosMD acted? What do you think your score on that MMI interview station would be? Zero! Acting lie a kid, like an immature kid is not the standard that a doctor has to follow, we all know that! If you are called a liar, that so what? You do not respond back like an angry kid, you keep control and to defuse the situation! Hard to do, I understand, and I have had to defuse fights at school, so I know from experience. Would anyone trust advice about interviewing or being a doctor from someone who so clearly failed such an easy interview question? It is like dealing with a convicted perjurer, how can you ever know when to believe him?

I know from experience that both @UMKCRoosMD and @HopingMD are kids. @UMKCRoosMD would have horribly failed his interview with his behavior. And excuses that hospital people get mad and yell when called a fake do not work, go to an interview and try an excuse like that, the admissions people will show you to the exit door.

@UMKCRoosMD acts not like an adult and definitely not like a MD. And, if he really was a doctor, then his actions show him to have such bad behavior as a MD, that everyone must avoid all that he says, because by his behavior he showed that he would flunk the MMI interview! So even in the best case, namely that he is really adult and a doctor (which I doubt, but just being hypothetical) then his actions show his advice is worthless, he will guide people into failure. Re-read my example again everyone, would you trust a person like that to advise you on how to interview, how to match, or how to get into medical school?

Notice how I logically address everything, how I do not take sides, I do not call names, I do not argue excuses or points each raised, instead I look at behavior and what it shows.

I hope this stuff over those 2 kids is over, like I said neither of them should be trusted with advice giving, and everyone should assume both get their jollies giving bad advice or trying to show how smart they are. Just ignore them both, they are both kids, and they have no advice that we can trust.

Re accelerated programs: I have applied to several, however, I really do like UMKC. Drexel has offered me a great scholarship, I was accepted into pre-med, but I did not apply to their accelerated program. I applied to the accelerated at GW and Brown; plus I applied to the DO program at NOVA - I am intrigued by the holistic approach of DO medical practice. I am interested in being a practicing doctor, one who cares about his patients and their wellbeing. NOVA accepted me already, and with a scholarship, but the interview does not take place until the fall of year three. I am not happy about waiting so long to interview there.

A question re UMKC. I am out of state, but I have relatives very close to campus and I can stay with them for free. Does anyone know if all first year med students, even those with a place to stay in KC, have to live in the dorm? I am tight on money, and that $10,000 for room and board is too steep for me.


Has anybody still not heard back for interviews who applied by October 15?

Okay I just wanted to put my two cents forth regarding this issue. I personally don’t think that @UMKCRoosMD‌ is a fake. And try as we might there is no way to prove that he isn’t/is a fake, short of him providing a phone number for us to call and verify, which would be absolutely ridiculous. Going forward, you can either choose to accept or reject his advice. I have found his posts to be very informative and I will continue to use them.

In regards to the argument made about medical students not having enough time to post on CC, here is a thread from someone who supposedly (but very likely) is a current med student from BSMD program:

<a href=“BS/MD Graduate (Almost) AMA - Multiple Degree Programs - College Confidential Forums”>BS/MD Graduate (Almost) AMA - Multiple Degree Programs - College Confidential Forums;

And there’s many “ask a current Drexel/penn state/UCSD student” threads that nobody questions. Nobody goes on those threads and says “hey, you’re a med student right now! Don’t you have better things to do than post here? FAKE!” My point is that you cannot judge whether a person is fake or not by the time they spend on this site.

Hey guys for those who are still interested in preparing for the MMI, here was someone who would now be a Year 2 in the program who recommended prepping for the MMI, Umkcmed3:

<a href=“UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program - #3419 by Umkcmed3 - Multiple Degree Programs - College Confidential Forums”>UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program - #3419 by Umkcmed3 - Multiple Degree Programs - College Confidential Forums;

01-02-2014 at 10:29 am
Hey guys! Congratulations to all of you who have received an interview! I am a first year in the program and have been through this interview process. I highly recommend practicing scenarios before the interview. There are books and mock questions available! Let me know if you have any questions about the program or interview day! Good luck!

01-02-2014 at 10:38 am
@umkcmed3, thank you. Which book and mock questions would you recommend?

01-02-2014 at 11:22 am

<h1>I used Multiple Mini Interview Questions Book by MSC Medical. It also came with a DVD. This book was really helpful. It comes with a “crash course” in ethics which WILL come in handy with some scenarios. It then breaks down the different categories of questions. For some questions it will give the scenario and explain the correct answers. Others will just give you the question for you to work out on your own. It gives you an idea about how MMI works and how to use your time wisely (considering you only have 8 minutes to present your case). It really helped me feel confident and I think it really made me stand out at interviews. I felt good about it after I left and apparently the interviewers did too! I’m a strong advocate for this resource.</h1>

There’s only 1 book on Amazon left: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;

but you can also buy it directly from the company: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;

@AdVitam, ok, I don’t want to keep relitigating this but I will say this again. I am not blindly accepting things either. @UMKCRoosMD’s advice so far about the program itself and his knowledge about the inner workings of the program have been correct. You may not like his personality or you may think he’s acting like a kid (we disagree on this, but whatever), but it doesn’t make his advice any less correct bc you feel a certain way towards him. His information is not useful to you, but he has been useful to other people here. If you don’t like him, you can ignore his posts.

The MMI is not even done at most medical schools and it is only very very recently that UMKC even started this MMI stuff. It’s an alternative option for schools to do for the usual traditional interviews. It’s not something that selects for “perfect” or “humanistic” doctors. The MMI is not real life. It’s a standardized exam of scenarios, but real life doesn’t necessarily work exactly like those scenarios - ask any resident who is awake at 3 AM how they would behave in an MMI vs. in real life. Why would @UMKCRoosMD care about what his MMI would have shown if it wasn’t done? No one cares about any of this admissions stuff once you get into the program. And it’s not like doctors who are selected thru traditional interviews and make it thru aren’t great doctors.

You’re right. I am biased. No doctor on this planet is completely unbiased. All doctors have their experiences when it comes to treating patients during medical school and residency. I used the hospital example because I work in a hospital and have seen it happen myself, so I will believe my own experiences. Your doctor who is treating you, treats future patients based on prior experience from those he or she has treated in residency and as an attending – that’s bias. Clinical medicine the way it is practiced is not 100% based on scientific principles and many times is based on judgement in which you give different weights to different things.

Just to let you know in the end, DOs and MDs practice the same type of medicine. Holistic is word used by everyone so it really doesn’t mean much in the reality of medical practice. The only difference is that DOs do have some limitation in terms of matching into certain specialties. Doesn’t speak anything about the quality of DO schools but it’s the circumstance as it is now, although there will always be exceptions. I would have personally applied to more accelerated programs in your circumstance with your being #1 in your class, but that’s just me.

Also, yes it is definitely a requirement - all UMKC med students are required to stay in the dorms from Fall of Year 1 till the end of Summer Year 2 even if you live in the city. Or I guess you could stay at your relatives in KC if you want, but you do still have to pay for the UMKC dorm and meal plan anyways.


Money is an issue for me, and med schools do not give much financial help.

Holistic is over-used, but I do believe many DOs look more to the whole patient rather than treat just the symptoms, but hey, an MD can do the same, it depends upon the person. The NOVA program has turned me off, even with a full-ride scholarship, I do not like the idea of waiting until year three to interview.

UMKC really excites me, But that living in the Dorm for even locals is just plain silly. And EXPENSIVE!!! Anyone know the reasoning behind it? I mean, if we are mature enough to start medical school, why are we so immature that we are told where to live? Anyone ever heard of a student getting excused from staying at the dorm at UMKC?

Re @UMKCRoosMD I still firmly believe he is a total fake. You address my mind problem as a debater, it was a mental exercise, which clearly shows his advice is at best (assuming he is real) worthless, it would cause you to fail the interview. I do not want advice from someone like that about medical school. And, you always argue for him, yet you never argue anything favorable for the other guy. Sory, but that black and white result does concern me. I see both of them as kids, and both of their actions show ythat. Yep giving a phone number is not an option - so all we have to know is to look at thier actions. As for the advice @UMKCRoosMD has given, that book and all the info was either on UMKC webpage or in earlier threads of CC. You said the UMKC interview is unique and not real world, and why would @UMKCRoosMD care that he failed such an interview when it does not matter. Well, then he should not be advising anyone on it, fine to copy old threads, but do not give advice. A doctor, a real one, knows what his area of paractice is, and stays there. Please enough on this guy, I see he is back, and the fight sounds like it is over. Good! But, again actions show everything,

All of you out there - who is interviewing at UMKC - there must be 150 of us inthe first wave? Please tell a little about yourself?

I very much agree with @Deriveme who said it very well. I have found @UMKCRoosMD’s posts to be very helpful and I think it is nice of him to help those of us who are just starting this path. I will continue to take his advice into account. Alumni from med schools and other professional schools help current students or applicants all the time online or otherwise - this isn’t unusual. @AdVitam, if you don’t like the advice then you don’t have to pay attention to it. I will.

I think he is helpful esp. for me since I am out-of-state, and have no connections at all to this program and I can’t make plane flights just for a tour outside of the interview date

@HopingMD says the 2 UMKC people he talked with said not to use any books for this MMI, and @umkcmed3 who is in the program now said he used an MMI book which he felt came in quite handy with some of the scenarios. Maybe it’s just me but this is just way too important for me to just go into this cold without knowing what is going on - especially since these are timed stations. I will be looking at the links and buying the book that @umkcmed3 mentioned bc I don’t want to have regrets that I should have prepared more vs. saying I did the best that I could.

@EM3MOS, I have heard back, as I got an interview. The website says everyone who applied by October 15th should be notified of their interview status in December.

@AdVitam, you’re right I didn’t argue anything favorable for HopingMD, bc I thought his first post to @UMKCRoosMD was unnecessarily antagonistic esp. the “PS to everyone” part. It’s not my job to say both people are good or equally good and it’s never like that usually. HopingMD as an applicant also has something to secondarily gain by telling people not to prepare at all in advance for an interview. Not saying he is trying to get an advantage over others in this case, but I think anyone would be silly to tell someone not to prepare for an interview in which you have timed stations which are 8 minutes each – which is what umkcmed3 said.

<h1>UMKCmed3 and @UMKCRoosMD have pretty much the same posts for the MMI. @UMKCRoosMD didn’t give any advice on the scenarios of the MMI at UMKC. I didn’t say he failed his interview either. If you look at his posts he provided links to MMI resources that were actually not on this thread before - Post #3962 and #3964, after which HopingMD said the people he talked to at the school said to not prepare at all. It’s always good to prepare, but not overprepare if that makes sense. Anyways, I’m not going to discuss this further, I think we’ve exhausted this thing quite a bit so let’s not bring this up again. Your mind is made up and my mind is made up.</h1>

To answer your question - the reason the UMKC med program requires that all BA/MD students stay at the dorms for 2 semesters is bc it builds comradery and friendships among the class very early on in the program. You’re not a typical starting college student in this program. Everyone on campus knows you’re a 6 year BA/MD student. Everyone at the campus dorms, taking car rides to Year 1 Docent, going to the same classes including LBMS, History of Medicine, etc., sharing a lot of time outside of class etc. is how you get to know other people and you’ll be interacting with them thru out your 6 years in classes, in clinic, on DoRo, on Year 5 rotations, etc., you’ll study in groups together, have fun together, etc. It’s harder to do that initially if everyone is living in different locations and only seeing each other in class. Hope that makes sense.

I agree with you, the non-resident tuition for the program is very expensive. You might want to check what are the requirements you have to meet in order to pay resident tuition here and look specifically at their residency petition: <a href=“Residency | Office of the Registrar | University of Missouri - Kansas City”>;/a&gt;. It does say on the petition though: “*Submitting the suggested and supplemental documents assists in the determination of your status, but does not guarantee MO/Metro rate residency will be granted.”

Thank you, I now understand their reasoning! However, I may not be much competition during interviews as I may have to decide this program is too expensive for me.

Thanks also for the ppetition link, it’s good to have the rules. Now, I need to see if the school has contacts with banks for big $$$ loans, lol.

@advitam, I think cost is a very valid thing to consider here. Many people in our class had offers to great undergrads with scholarships and grants paying a big chunk of costs. UMKC really doesn’t give that much assistance to out-of-state students bc they feel that if you couldn’t afford it, you wouldn’t come there.

Tuition now for the last 4 years of the program for out-of-state students is $60,000. Tuition in the first 2 years is still relatively expensive at $39,000/$49,000. The first year and a half a lot of the courses you are taking are undergraduate courses which are just charged at a higher rate.

Usually the way it works is you max out the federal loans you can get to apply to your costs, and then you can turn to private loans which can be gotten from any bank. You can also do the military HPSP program - although there are downsides to that obviously. I would go to a financial advisor who can tabulate all the costs (COA) of this program and can factor in different things – eventually getting married, buying a house, having kids, etc. into the equation and will be able to tell you when you will be able to pay it off. None of your loans can be wiped away even with bankruptcy so it’s helpful to know these things now.

Also your university doesn’t need to get you in contact with a bank to take out a private loan. It’s exactly that – private, so it’s specific to each lender. I would also apply to tons of private scholarships (Best Buy, Target, Coca-Cola, etc.) like a mad man which may not make a huge dent but it’s definitely better than nothing. There are tons of those which you can apply for in your senior year.

I posted my stats earlier. I was notified that I am on the waiting list for interviews. Whike that is dissapointing, I remain optimistic for my chances. That being said, I am still stressed. Does anyone know information regarding how many people are called on from the waiting list? Is it only if people reject their interview times or do 2 or 3 people (I am regional that’s why 2 or 3) people usually get picked from their after all applicants are reviewed?

@hythoom, I think this can vary greatly from year to year, so there is really no point in stressing out over it. Usually the way waiting lists work is that a person ahead of you has to cancel in order for you to be the next one up and given an interview. Your best bet would be to make a phone call to UMKC Med admissions bc the inner workings of the waitlist - like if waitlisters are numbered in order of preference, how many people have to drop in order to take someone off the waitlist, etc. would only be known by them.

Since you are a regional student, you would be on the waitlist in the regional student specific group since that’s the group you’re “competing” with so to speak. So someone who drops an interview who is in-state or out-of-state wouldn’t really affect you since they want a certain number of in-state, a certain number of regional, and a certain number of out-of-state.


Hang in there! Your stats look very good to me, especially the shadowing. Class rank is a factor, but still you are in the top 10%, and you took very tough courses! UMKC admissions people are not dumb, they know you are good, that is why they waitlisted you.

Do not give up, you will probably hear by Jan 15 that they want to interview you.

I hope to see you at UMKC some day, good luck!

Hi guys, I am from NJ applying and I would really like to get into UMKC. It’s pretty much my first choice.

ACT: 31
SAT: 1460
GPA weighted: 4.6891
My School doesn’t class rank.

AP Environmental Science: 4
AP US History 4
AP World History 4
AP Lang Comp 3

-NJIT head Environmental Engineering Lab intern - Biochemical engineering (photocatalytic hydrogen production and using nanoparticles to harvest algae for biofuels)
-Shadow under 2 doctors

Volunteering 900+ hrs:
-Hospital Volunteering 300+
-Adult day care center 100+

Extra Curriculars:
-Varsity Volleyball
-Robotics Captain
-Vice President of Projects for Enterprise Organization
(3 friends and I started an organization. Description is short, but summary: we have 3 subsidiaries now, and international partners, and international news website, and free local tutoring institution. for more info : news website: www.eointernational.■■■■■■■■■■■■■)

  • NHS
    -school mentor and tutor

AP Scholar with Honor
Rotary Senior of the month
Ranked 2nd with Enviro Sci team in NJ Sci League
3rd with Earth Sci team the next year

Was a robotics instructor for kids with a curriculum I wrote that is now being used in Mindsahead, LLC Franchises

**My Q is, i think I have the extra curriculars down, but my SAT, out of state status, and my transcript are what scares me. I do have a couple Cs on my transcript making for a 3.3 unweighted gpa, but have a 4.7 weighted. (I had to leave the country missing school for a period of time 10 and 11 year cuz of deaths in the family)

Do you guys think I stand a chance? or is it just up in the air?
Also, what exactly is the tuition including dorming, per year like?

@jpstcm, I think you should be ok with at least getting an interview. I think your test scores are fine and won’t hold you back. It’s hard to determine though bc your school doesn’t rank you in any way. It doesn’t have to just be a specific number rank, but it can also be top 10%, top 25%, etc

These are approximate costs so realize tuition itself will be higher that what is shown, but the rest should be pretty accurate:

I am sure you are applying but there are also BA/MD programs in New Jersey as well that I’m sure you’re applying to. Out of all the BA/MD programs you’re applying to, why is UMKC your first choice?